September 23, 2017, Revelation 12, US Solar Eclipse – Signs in the Heavens
Published on Feb 19, 2017
In this i take a look at the coming events that we will see in 2017. I start with the US Solar Eclipse and there is a link below to show viewing areas across the country. I then take a look at the alignment of stars on September 23rd, 2017 and its possible connection to Revelation 12. In no way am i calling for rapture or anything like that on this date. One thing is for sure, this alignment will happen on this date. Make sure to check out the links below for more info and stay tuned for our live coverage of the eclipse, right here on Dahboo77.
Just watched your video. Very interesting. My question is the
position of Leo. I been told he came
as the Lamb, he will return as the
Lion? Also isn’t Leo the sing of
Archangel Michael ?
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5. rote Mond ist im April! Und es ist nicht das Jahr 2017, sondern Ihr müßt sehen, jiddisch kalendar! So, dann Germany nicht BRD, sondern DEUTSCHES REICH und Barbaren, Arier, Prussen und Äthopier! Ich nur Oberschlesier und damit Preusse – FREISTAAT PREUSSEN! Besetzt und nicht BRD GmbH – Deutschland!