NSA And CIA are the Enemy of the People

- Who is in charge of the Beast ‘666’ Network? In charge of the Global Surveillance Militarized-Police State? No Such Agency!
– - NSA And CIA are the Enemy of the People
by SARTRE, https://www.intellihub.com/
Astute students of history understand that government agencies often further their own interests and not the administration they are designated to serve. Seldom is the genuine national security advanced when bureaucrats pledge their loyalty to their respective fiefdoms of projecting influence and power. Absent in this supremacy struggle equation is the abstract notion that state legitimacy is founded upon the will and consent of the people. Such a quaint concept does not reflect a chapter in the training manual that breeds the spooks who operate as above the law and unaccountable super spies.
Guarding signals traffic or capturing foreign communication is a logical task to protect national secrets, while gathering information on intentions and operations from adversaries. Once upon a time the National Security Agency directed the ECHELON project as a cold war network. Over the decades the functions of electronic surveillance broadened into collection on all forms of data, no matter the source or the national origin of the subject.
The mapping from their “Big Scoop” capacity has achieved a technological level that all but obliterated any expectation of privacy. The Fourth Amendment is consistently ignored and the inadequate Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, FISA review is a mere rubber stamp from a kangaroo court. So when the Supreme Court places National Security Agency above the law, no one should be surprised.
Even less shocking is the sordid chronicle of the Central Intelligence Agency, documented by the Church Committee. The Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities provides intriguing bed time reading rivaling any Frederick Forsyth or John le Carré spy novel. And who can dismiss the Declassified CIA Memo Reveals CIA Directly Involved In JFK Assassination Cover-Up!
“Fifty-three years after the assassination of JFK, Mary’s Mosaic author Peter Janney has rediscovered a memo offering, prima facie evidence that the CIA was directly involved in the JFK assassination.
What’s more, this 1967 CIA memorandum was written by Janney’s own father, Frederick Wistar Morris Janney, a senior career CIA officer who began work at the Agency shortly after its creation in 1947.”
No matter what one thinks of the NSA and the CIA, the indisputable fact is that both operate upon the premise that protecting and advancing the imperial global empire is their prime imperative. Lost under this shadow government criminal syndicate is any effort to observe their oath of office to the American nation.
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