Hundreds of German Soldiers Deployed in Lithuania Amid Rising Russian Tensions
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] Published on Feb 8, 2017 Russian President Vladimir Putin has put the Air Force on high alert for a time of war. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said his ministry has been ordered to do what he called a snap check of the Aerospace Forces. Shoigu said this includes checking the combat readiness of troops, …
[youtube=] Published on Feb 7, 2017 Alex Jones speaks with Aleksandr Dugin, one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s top advisers about how the globalists are just like the former communist rulers of Russia. end
[youtube=] Published on Feb 7, 2017 Cooperation between Moscow and the new administration in Washington could be positive not just for Syria but also the wider world, Syrian President Bashar Assad said, adding that the EU has merely supported terrorists since the start of the country’s civil war. end
[youtube=] Published on Feb 7, 2017 Putin continuing to advance into… Korea, according to Maxine Waters advocating for Trump impeachment. end
[youtube=] Who is behind all the war propaganda against Iran for the past 30 years? Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit! end
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[youtube=] Zionist, Moshe Sharett, who was Israeli’s first Foreign Minister from 1948-1956, and Prime Minister from 1954-1956 said (emphasis mine): In his diary, Sharett quotes a conversation with Army Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan in May 1955: – “We face no danger at all of an Arab advantage of force for the next 8-10 years…Reprisal …
[youtube=] Published on Jan 30, 2017 SHOW NOTES AND MP3: As The Corbett Report reported last year, Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, has slithered out from his hiding place and re-emerged as a figure on the political stage. He is now advocating for a rebirth of the US’ infamous “Phoenix Program” to target …
Who owns all these chemical, industrial companies that are messing our biology? Illuminists-Satanists. See documented evidence bottom of post. – Weapons Of Mass Feminization by Jennie Ann Freiman MD, If you’ve ever wondered where all the alpha males have gone, the interaction between chemistry and biology may offer a clue. – Gender bending chemicals are everywhere, literally impossible …
[youtube=] [youtube=] Financial Explosions Abound – Interview with Jim Willie by Some topics include: – Gold price revival timeframe Trump potential deals with the devils Gold Trade Note coming into view Gold and silver investment allocation, market analysis and predictions Can the USA avoid Third World fate? Awakening of the masses and likely scapegoats …
Russia, Ukraine: Neocon Ceasefire Sabotage Fails To Change Trump’s Mind by There are serious signs that the Trump administration will continue to seek better relations with Russia. It declines to get involved in the hustling in Ukraine. It is ready to give up on the catastrophic regime-change agenda the neocons implemented in Kiev with the …
[youtube=] Streamed live on Feb 2, 2017 President Trump’s National Security Advisor, Gen. Michael Flynn, interrupted the White House press briefing yesterday to deliver a statement that the US is putting Iran “on notice” after what he claimed were “destabilizing” acts by the Iranian government. Was he right? What will the US do? end
[youtube=] ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis, Secretary of Defense, is spewing the official Illuminist LIE! Is The Trump Administration Already Over? — Paul Craig Roberts by Hopes for the Trump administration are not burning brightly. Trump’s military chief, Gen. Mattis, is turning out to be true to his “mad dog” nickname. He has just declared that Iran …
[youtube=] Has Donald Trump sold out? I am not so sure about this. ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis, Secretary of Defense, is pushing the usual Illuminist war propaganda. I don’t trust him. Trump is also selling the LIE: ‘Iran is a great supporter of terrorism’. The rhetoric against China by Mattis and Tillerson (and to a lesser …
[youtube=] Le Pen To CNN Hack: “There Was A Coup D’etat In Ukraine, There Was No ‘Invasion’ of Crimea” by Chris Menahan, InformationLiberation France’s leading presidential candidate Marine Le Pen triggered the hell out of russophobic CNN hack Christiane Amanpour by defending Russia’s annexation of Crimea. Transcript via The Duran: – Amanpour: Does it not bother you that …