Fake Holocaust Photos February 3, 2017 by mosesman [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVgDxOSUDEI] [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acs10k4HLxI] The ‘new’ 1.5 million revised down from 4 million is IMO, far from the truth. The real figure is closer to 300,000. The majority of the dead were Jews but they died not due to ‘gassing’ more due to natural causes: disease, hunger … For decades this room in the Auschwitz I camp has been shown to tens of thousands of tourists yearly as a execution “gas chamber” in its “original state.” In January 1995 the prominent French weekly “L’Express” acknowledged that “everything is false” about this “gas chamber,” which is actually a postwar reconstruction. Above left: This was the plaque on display at the Auschwitz camp until 1989: note the “4 million” victims. Above right: This is the plaque currently on display at Auschwitz (2002) – note the suddenly reduced number of victims to 1.5 million – a casual reduction in the number of deaths by 2.5 million. end