Watch: The Mysteries Of Antarctica Revealed: “Someone Or Something Has Summoned The World’s Political and Religious Leaders to Antarctica”
- Watch: The Mysteries Of Antarctica Revealed: “Someone Or Something Has Summoned The World’s Political and Religious Leaders to Antarctica”
by Mac Slavo,
The mysteries surrounding one of the world’s largest but least explored land masses continue to be revealed. From recent images showing what appear to be Pyramids similar to those of Giza to evidence of once-luscious rain forests, Antarctica seems to be giving up its secrets. Numerous political and religious leaders, including former Secretary of State John Kerry, have been taking secret trips to the remote continent, but as of yet, no one in any official capacity has explained why.
It would take an expert with a wide body of knowledge in fields including religion, science, politics and history to unravel the web that has been weaved by governments and secretive scientific organizations over the last seven decades to understand what’s really at play.
Recently, Steve Quayle, author of Empire Beneath the Ice, joined Greg Hunter on USA Watchdog to discuss the many facts and theories about what really lies beneath the ice.
What really is going on down there? Here is the billion dollar question, and probably the trillion dollar question: Why are the world’s religious leaders and the world’s most powerful leaders going to Antarctica? I don’t think the Russian Patriarch Kirill is going down there to meet penguins, with no disrespect meant. Someone or something has summoned the world’s leaders.
Most people don’t understand, and this is critical, the United States, in 1947, sent a war flotilla to the Antarctic under Admiral Byrd and it was called “Operation Highjump.” It was to seek out and destroy the hidden Nazi bases that intelligence agencies provided them the documentation for. It wasn’t a small thing. There were 13 ships and 4,700 men and state of the art U.S. weaponry.
So, all this is a matter of record. When you put all the records together, it points to this: There is some entity or group of entities that are thinking and have advanced technology and, basically, give orders to the religious and political leaders of our day.
Covering everything from Byrd’s mission and the possibility of secret Nazi bases to pyramids and the existence of advanced alien technology, Steve Quayle’s interview with Greg Hunter is filled with citations, historical evidence and explanations for what is really going on at the bottom of the world.
read more.