Electors Are Now Being Threatened Before They Meet On Dec 19th
- Published on Nov 18, 2016
The Electors are receiving death threats before the Dec 19th meeting. This could be a build up to stop Trump from becoming President. James Woods drops Twitter as Twitter shuts down accounts with no reason. DHS shuts down aerial survelliance of the border even though they are funded for 2017. The secret service is missing, guns, badges and phones. The Zika threat has been downgraded. Europe is censoring people who speak out against government policy. China tells the US not to meddle in their affairs. Obama and EU leader decide to keep sanctions against Russia. White Helmets in Syria are a funded organization to which provides propaganda for the US and the coalition forces. Russia is not bombing in Aleppo only in Iblib and other areas to stop the flow of IS terrorists from Mosul.