World War III On The Brink: War Will Continue Until It Triggers Economic Collapse

- World War III On The Brink: War Will Continue Until It Triggers Economic Collapse
by One of the main Shemitah Trends of late 2016 is the emerging war in the Middle East. It has every indication of turning into a conflict resembling World War III and day-by-day is becoming more dangerous and extreme.
This could be the war that finally triggers the great economic collapse being planned. Certainly, the storm clouds of war are gathering, as we’ve been covering.
In fact, on Friday, Barack O’bomber is scheduled to decide whether or not to initiate direct US military action against Syria – in part because of Russia’s bombing of Aleppo.
Obama has been forced into making this decision because the Russians along with the Syrians are now winning the war. The wars in Libya, Iraq and now Syria are bankers wars intended to redraw the map in the Middle East while adding to the military burdens of the West – specifically the US.
And the propaganda continues to grow stronger in the west, with the US and NATO constantly proclaiming the dangers of terrorism that they helped foster. In this sense, the wars are entirely artificial and can be called off by the West at any time. Instead, western powers are stoking the flames and Russia and China are starting to pile in as well.
From Russia’s point of view, the attacks are anything but optional and while Russia didn’t get involved in Western attacks for years, now that the attacks have reached Syria, Russia has begun to fight back.
Russia began by bombing ISIS terrorists that Russian generals soon observed had not been bombed by the US at all. Now Russia is providing air cover and bombing for Assad’s attack on Aleppo, an important urban center which he wants to retake. Assad reclaiming this city would be seen as a significant US military setback.
Obama may not decide on active confrontation in Aleppo, but his consideration of direct action against Syria and Russia shows just how close the world is to a war between superpowers.
It’s a crazy time to be alive, isn’t it? Between war and economic depression it’s hard to know where to turn. Things are ramping up in numerous directions. It was recently announced, for instance, that Chinese forces are heading to Syria to link up with Russia to fight the Islamic State (which is actually the US and CIA). In fact, Chinese warships are apparently headed to the Middle East as well, which adds yet another element to this massive confrontation.
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