G20 Meets in China to Fight Anti-Globalism And Usher in New World Order
- G20 Meets in China to Fight Anti-Globalism And Usher in New World Order
by JEFF BERWICK, https://dollarvigilante.com/
Members of the G20 countries are meeting in China this week with an expressed goal of “fighting anti-globalism sentiments”.
You see, the global elites are rewriting the rules of the economy to help usher in a new world order that, as Zbigniew Brzezinski says, will now include Russia and China. This new globalist order is something for which they have no remorse because of their disloyalty to any one nation – or even to humanity as a whole. What’s more is they’ve shown their willingness to trash the dollar to attain that end.
These purveyors of division are more than willing to obfuscate secret trade agreements in documents longer than Barack O’bomber’s initial 2,700 page “affordable” care act which has, as a side note, dramatically hiked premiums for Americans who were already hard pressed for cash and proved itself an utter failure in the realm of affordability.
While many people know that Obama is attempting to quietly pass the heinous Trans Pacific Partnership during the upcoming lame duck session of congress, they likely haven’t heard about its equally nefarious counterparts TTIP and TISA. These so called “free-trade” agreements are naturally far from liberating. A true free-trade deal should never need 5500+ pages of stipulations. Surprisingly, these far-reaching trade deals are so shrouded in secrecy that even most elected officials don’t know the specifics.
To compensate for the USA’s diminishing power in the World Trade Organization they have turned to these clandestine three “T’s” as a “solution”.
Although we are meant to believe that China and Russia are trying to financially undermine the US for their own gain, at TDV we know their true intentions. The Elite’s goal is to break up western hegemony and redistribute power back to major countries in the East in order to further destabilize the world financial structure.
Many who follow the actions of the Elites know that they operate on an occult timeline. Just ask Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the IMF who gave an eerie numerology speech about the “magic number 7”. It is not happenstance that the addition of the Chinese Yuan to the SDR basket in early October coincides with the end of a biblical cycle called the Jubilee.
read more.
