Rand Paul: CIA Annex In Benghazi Shipped Arms From Libya To Syria; Clinton Lied About It
- Rand Paul: CIA Annex In Benghazi Shipped Arms From Libya To Syria; Clinton Lied About It
by Tim Hains, http://www.realclearpolitics.com/
Sen. Rand Paul says that Hillary Clinton deserves five years in prison for lying to Congress about the true nature of the CIA operation in Benghazi that was attacked by terrorists in 2012.
Under oath before Congress in 2013, Hillary Clinton answered a question from Sen. Paul, saying she knew nothing about the weapons shipments from Libya to Syria. However, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said last months that his next release of Clinton emails may prove that this is not true.
ERIC BOLLING, FOX NEWS: Julian Assange, who has Wikileaks, says there are some emails that pretty much tie Hillary Clinton to knowing about some weapons that may have been going through Libya to some of the ISIS fighters… Now if Wikileaks in fact does have emails proving that she did know what does that mean to you?
SEN. RAND PAUL (R-KY): It’s a felony to lie to Congress. You can get five years in prison. And we can’t continue to say the Clintons are above the law. I do believe that the CIA annex in Benghazi was procuring weapons, some of them to get them away from the jihadists in Libya. But some of it to ferry those weapons through Turkey, into Syria.
There have been many, many first hand accounts, The New York Times, London Times, Washington Times have all reported on this… I find it hard to believe that Hillary Clinton, who all the news report have said she was the biggest advocate for arming the Islamic rebels in Syria, many of them turned out to be not only enemies of ours, some of them also turned out to be enemies of Israel.