Neocons, Warmongers And Globalists Abandon GOP for Hillary
- Neocons, Warmongers And Globalists Abandon GOP for Hillary
by Alex Newman,
In the top echelons of political power, there is only one major party in American politics, and that is the globalist war party. In case Americans needed more evidence that party labels are largely meaningless to the bipartisan ruling establishment, influential members of the establishment wing of the GOP — neocons, warmongers, globalists, and so on — are abandoning the Republican Party and in many cases jumping on board the Democrat Hillary Clinton campaign. From Bush-era war hawks who misled Americans into war to pseudo-conservative operatives of the globalist-minded Council on Foreign Relations, Republicans In Name Only (RINOs) are showing their true colors and allegiances. Blasting Donald Trump, more than a few of the globalist RINOs and neocon warmongers are now proudly on the Hillary Train.
In the massive history book Tragedy and Hope, Bill Clinton mentor and establishment insider Carroll Quigley explains succinctly how American politics works in the real world — and how the insiders like it. “The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers,” Quigley says matter-of-factly in what would certainly be news to most grassroots activists in both parties. “Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.” As far as the establishment is concerned, Trump, who proudly slams the Hillary-backed Iraq and Libya wars and blasts “globalism,” may be a threat to that whole “uniparty” idea.
Ironically, establishment media outlets are touting the establishment GOP defections to Hillary among neocons and globalists in an apparent effort to hurt the the Trump campaign. Apparently, they are oblivious to the fact that the defections of widely loathed establishment warmongers from Republican ranks actually bolsters Trump’s arguments of a “rigged” system — not to mention his credibility in the eyes of supporters on both sides of the political spectrum, including among embattled “working class voters” and union members long considered reliable Democrats. Recent polls make that clear, with Trump’s campaign surging ahead of Clinton’s and attracting hordes of disaffected Democrats opposed to globalist “free trade” deals and endless wars.
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