Air Freight Volumes Across Largest Global Market Tumble 15% In First Quarter
- Air Freight Volumes Across Largest Global Market Tumble 15% In First Quarter
by Tyler Durden,
For years, our biggest lament and recurring confirmation that unorthodox monetary policies are simply not working, has been tracking global trade – the lifeblood of any properly functioning global economy – which has not only failed to reach its pre-crisis growth rates, but especially over the past 2 years, has seen slowing dramatically. The latest evidence of this slowdown came earlier today when the International Air Transport Association (IATA) reported that demand for global air freight, measured in freight tonne kilometres, fell another 2% in March on subdued growth in world trade.
Specifically, the IATA said that air freight volumes declined in annual terms for the second consecutive month in March 2016, and rounded out the weakest opening quarter of the year since 2012.
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