‘Oops… It Wasn’t Cancer After All,’ Admits The National Cancer Institute/JAMA
- Medical Industrial Complex: “Yes but think of all the jobs they created! (KaChing) Where will we get the money (KaChing) to buy our fancy cars? Do you know how many people will lose their jobs if the cancer industry go bust? (KaChing, KaChing) … !”
– - Sheeple: naive, gullible, easily deceived, useful idiots, complicit in their own destruction and the destruction of others! Are you one of them?
– - ‘Oops… It Wasn’t Cancer After All,’ Admits The National Cancer Institute/JAMA
by Sayer Ji, Founder, http://www.greenmedinfo.com/
After decades of wrongful cancer diagnoses and treatments, and millions harmed, the National Cancer Institute and high gravitas journals like JAMA finally admit they were wrong all along.
Back in 2012, The National Cancer Institute convened an expert panel to evaluate the problem of cancer’s misclassification and subsequent overdiagnosis and overtreatment, determining that millions may have been wrongly diagnosed with “cancer” of the breast, prostate, thyroid, and lung, when in fact their conditions were likely harmless, and should have been termed “indolent or benign growths of epithelial origin.” No apology was issued. No major media coverage occurred. And more importantly, no radical change occurred in the conventional practice of cancer diagnosis, prevention, or treatment.
Essentially, in one sleight of the semantic hand, entire swaths of the U.S., and global population, who thought they had “lethal cancer,” and were subsequently treated for it, often with violent procedures and treatments, were being told that “oops….we got that wrong. You never had cancer after all.”
If you look at the problem through just breast cancer overdiagnosis and overtreatment in the U.S. over the past 30 years, it has been estimated that approximately 1.3 million women were wrongly treated. Most of these women still have no idea they were victims, and many have identified with their “aggressors” in Stolkholm syndrome like fashion, because they think their “lives were saved” by unnecessary treatment, when in fact the side effects, both physical and psychological, have almost certainly reduced both the quality and duration of their lives.
When the NCI report was released, it was a sort of vindication for those who had been advocating the position that a commonly diagnosed form of so-called “early breast cancer” known as ductal carcinoma in situ was in fact not inherently malignant and should not have warranted the conventional treatments of lumpectomy, mastectomy, radiation, and chemotherapy.
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