Breaking: Fast and Furious was Secret Program to Ship Arms to Middle East Terrorists
- Breaking: Fast and Furious was Secret Program to Ship Arms to Middle East Terrorists
by Adan Salazar,
Investigation reveals arms shipments ongoing.
An expert researcher investigating the ATF’s Operation Fast and Furious gun walking scandal has discovered the operation is ongoing and is likely serving as a conduit for a global gun ring.
Speaking to radio host Alex Jones Tuesday, Lt. Col. Matt Smith-Meck working on behalf of slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s family revealed the botched operation transferred more weapons than initially suspected into the hands of Mexican cartels and possibly abroad.
“Not only is it guns and rifles, but also grenades, grenade launchers, military grade night vision goggles, black special forces tactical uniforms,” Smith-Meck stated, adding that the number of military items relinquished is “more in the magnitude of 4,700.”
Smith-Meck asserts weapons transfers into Mexico are ongoing to this day, and his research suggests the weapons may be resold to broader international networks outside the country.
“What I would speculate is – dovetailing on what Tosh Plumlee has been on your program before and talked about – this is, I think, part of a much larger international gun running operation,” Smith-Meck said.
Explaining the nexus between Fast and Furious and the Middle East, Smith-Meck claimed Mexican traffickers were already on record meeting with foreign purchasers in 2010, and weapons linked to the operation later showed up in Morocco.
“We know from accounts from folks that are actually involved in running these weapons, in September of 2010, weapons – separate from what we would call Fast and Furious – were run down to Mexico, down to a town in Mexico, Caborca actually, met with a international middle eastern arms dealer and en route over to the Middle East,” the retired US Marine said Tuesday.
“And I think of great import, is a Moroccon DST commander – their DST is their internal security forces on 16 October 2010, reported to his supervisors that Fast and Furious weapons were in the kingdom of Morocco en route to arm the rebels in Algeria.”
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yeah right just like all them tens of millions from selling arms to iran used to smuggle coke into the U S and sold for another tens of millions in profit was supposed to be used for weapons for the contras went missing by kolnial ollie gone south