US Flies B-52 Over Korean Peninsula in Demonstration of ‘Strength & Capabilities’
- Published on Jan 10, 2016
The United States has deployed a strategic B-52 bomber for a low altitude demonstrative flight over South Korea to demonstrate the alliance’s might and determination following North Korea’s latest provocative underground nuclear test.
- Every time peace threatens to break out, the Satanic cabal will employ their agent provocateurs, their rogue nations … to subvert it. North Korea is controlled/owned by the Illuminati same as US, Europe, Russia, China … Who supplied North Korea with the nuclear technology? Ex US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Who supplied Iraq (Saddam Hussein) with WMDs, chemical weapons? United States of America, Donald Rumsfeld.
– - The sheeple think it is war between: US+South Korea+Japan vs North Korea, US+Europe(NATO) vs Russia, US+Japan+Philippines … vs China … In reality, it is: Satan and his minions vs the Rest of Humanity. This coming Satanic WW3 is to lay the foundation for the coming of the Anti-Christ, the fake messiah, the bringer of false peace … the white horseman of Revelation 6. He, the Anti-Christ, will bring about ‘PEACE’ in a world wrecked by global wars.
– - All the ‘news’, fear mongering, war mongering … are Illuminist psyops against the sheeple to drive them, herd them towards the Satanic WW3.
