Jim Willie: Fuse to Start Final Stage Breakdown Is Oil Price Going Below $30/Barrel
- Jim Willie: Fuse to Start Final Stage Breakdown Is Oil Price Going Below $30/Barrel
by http://goldenjackass.com/main5.html
December 30th: topics covered are:
a) ISIS origin, with players Turkey, Syria, Iran, and some of the real motives and activities;
b) instability of the Turkish Govt and likelihood of regime change;
c) USFed fake rate hike, with revealed Reverse REPO volume, exported QE volume;
d) abuse of USDept Exchange Stabilization Fund to make Double Hidden QE to Infinity as new double-barreled hyper monetary inflation;
e) other QE events cited to qualify as QE4 and QE5;
f) huge impaired debt with energy sector, Emerging Market, central bank dumping to wreck big banks;
g) fuse to start final stage breakdown is to be oil price going below $30/barrel; and lastly
h) dying USDollar evident with powerful oil price decline as both go down together in flames
– - Out With The Old, In With The Jackass
by Turd Ferguson, http://www.tfmetalsreport.com/
Another holiday weekend is upon us so, as per tradition, we have another installment of a TFMR podcast with The Golden Jackass himself, Jim Willie. Three main topics are discussed over the course of this 100+ minute discussion. The first 40 minutes deals with The Middle East, particularly Syria and Turkey. The next 20 minutes are spent discussing the recent “rate hike” by the Federal Reserve and the final segment primarily focuses upon falling crude oil prices and the impact on derivatives, interest rates and geo-politics.