The US and China: Putting the “Con” in “Conflict”
- Published on Nov 1, 2015
With reports emerging that China has signed on to Russia’s military coalition in Syria, at the same time that the Chinese are signing new cooperation agreements with the U.S., the question is once again being raised. What is the nature of China/U.S. rivalry? Today on the GRTV Feature Interview, Michel Chossudovsky talks about the forces in both countries that are manipulating this conflict and what it means for the prospects of future war.
– - The sheeple think it is war between US+NATO + Europe + allies vs Russia + China+ allies. In reality, it is war between Satan and his minions vs the Rest of Humanity. The Synagogue of Satan controls not just US and Europe but Russia and China also. Communism is a Synagogue of Satan operation run out of Wall Street. I have documented this extensively. The sheeple on all sides are being brainwashed via fear and hate to kill each other. The objective is to lay the foundation for the coming of the Anti-Christ. He, the Man of Sin, the fake messiah, the bringer for false peace, the white horseman or Revelation 6 … will bring about “peace” in a world wrecked by global wars.
– - For humanity to win this war, it is very easy. Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Blessed Son of God, for forgiveness of sins and salvation from sin.
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Three CPPCC [politburo] members with foreign origins celebrated their 90th birthday together at Jingfeng Hotel, one of the hotels in Beijing appointed for the NPC and CPPCC sessions, on March 8. Israel Epstein, Sidney Shapiro (Sha Boli) and Chen Bidi were born in Poland, the United States and Canada respectively, and they obtained Chinese nationality in 1957 and 1963. As experts who have long been working in the field of foreign publicity, they witnessed China’s revolution and socialist modernization drive.
