The Campaign to Undermine Saudi Arabia And The US Dollar

- “The banking cabal that runs the West is determined to create a global currency – and sooner rather than later. The Saud family propped up the US petrodollar all these years by demanding payment in dollars for its oil. This forced other producers to do the same. Now it seems there are forces in the West that have decided the best way to destabilize the petrodollar is to destabilize Saudi Arabia.” – Quote
– - The Campaign to Undermine Saudi Arabia And The US Dollar
by Saudi Arabia is much in the news these days for beheadings, crucifixions and varied whippings and stonings of young women and old men… and, at the same time, the UN has just added the Saudi ambassador to head up its Council on Human Rights! You really can’t make this stuff up!
But, why these reports and why now? Saudi Arabia has always had an atrocious system of “justice.” If the authorities think you are a danger to the regime they won’t just arrest you – they’ll arrest your entire family.
But the news-flow about Saudi atrocities is quite remarkable. Someone, it could be speculated, is working overtime to make sure that we know Saudi Arabia is a backward and barbaric country. Most recently, we have reports that citizens who spread negativity about the government on social media face the death penalty. It sounds bizarre, of course – but then so do crucifixions. ZeroHedge reported on the story, as follows:
According to state-run Makkah Newspaper in Saudi Arabia, the wealthy Gulf-nation is threatening its citizens with the death penalty for spreading rumors about the government on social media. An anonymous source within the Ministry of Justice stated only the worst “rumour-mongers” will be sentenced to death, while lesser offenders of the new policy will be disciplined with flogging, imprisonment, travel bans, house arrest, fines and social media bans.
Although the source is not mentioned by name, it should not be assumed that details of the column are any less credible. Human rights organization Reprieve reports that Makkah’s allegiance to the Saudi government is such that the claims should be considered legitimate. “Although the report does not use a named source, the nature of state-censorship in the Kingdom makes it unlikely that such claims would be made without the consent of the authorities.
Sounds outlandish, but so much of the news about Saudi Arabia is these days. As of this writing, there were reports that the Saudi military had mistakenly bombed ANOTHER wedding party in Yemen. That makes two wedding parties in two weeks. In this one, 22 are said to have perished. But the war against Yemen now being prosecuted by Saudi Arabia is far from being restricted to the annihilation of wedding attendees. The bombing is seemingly taking place all over Yemen, and killing women, children and male noncombatants on a regular basis.
The slaughter is getting so bad that the usually fractious tribes of Yemen are said to be contemplating an invasion of Saudi Arabia. Of course there are 33 million Yemenis and almost all of them, even the children, have guns.
It is difficult to think of whom would fight on behalf of the Saudis outside of its professional army. The Saud family running the country doesn’t seem to be thinking very clearly. That could be because the Saud monarch has just been diagnosed with dementia. A much younger Saud family member – the Crown Prince – is said to be behind the war with Yemen.
God knows why a trembling, tottering regime would pick a fight with the Middle East’s most formidable tribes. Like the Pashtuns in Afghanistan, the Yemeni tribes in aggregate have never been defeated. They retreat to the rugged interior of the country and continue to fight another day.
Is the Saud family fighting for its collective life? At this point it could be that many in the Saud family don’t believe they have much left to lose. It is not reported on very much, but Saudi Arabia is gradually being cut adrift by the Anglosphere that created it in the first place.
The banking cabal that runs the West is determined to create a global currency – and sooner rather than later. The Saud family propped up the US petrodollar all these years by demanding payment in dollars for its oil. This forced other producers to do the same. Now it seems there are forces in the West that have decided the best way to destabilize the petrodollar is to destabilize Saudi Arabia.
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