Geo-Political Syria Chess: Demanding Arrests of US .01% War Criminals Finally Or You Prefer Gambling Toward WW3?
- 8-minute video: Geo-political Syria chess: demanding arrests of US .01% War Criminals finally, or you prefer gambling toward WW3?
by Carl Herman,
Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange in an excellent 8-minute summary of events as of the start of October: (top of post).
And Luke’s 7-minute October 6 update: (2nd video top of post)
Sure, it’s possible that Russia is leading military action to end US/UK and Israel unlawful and lie-began Wars of Aggression in the Middle East.
That said, within ongoing corporate media and US “leadership” propaganda, we can be certain that outside many broad strokes of Luke Rudkowski’s summary, our understanding is far from a comprehensive factual understanding.
This is why in the ongoing geo-political chess game, I assert these facts are certain and actionable to demand arrests of US .01% “leaders” now in order to avoid risk of WW3:
* Unlawful and lie-began wars,
* So-called “money” that is actually debt that creates accelerating and unpayable total debt.
* Destruction of nearly all rights lawfully guaranteed in the US Bill of Rights within the US Constitution.
* “Covering the crimes” with lies by corporate media.
* Given the provable existing crimes and costs of millions killed, billions harmed, and trillions looted, we don’t have to wait to understand any further chess moves.
Unless, of course, you’re willing to tolerate more death, harm, looting and debt. Your call to do what’s right, of course, as always.