Jim Willie: QE Death Sentence & USTBond Black Hole
- Jim Willie: QE Death Sentence & USTBond Black Hole
by http://www.silverdoctors.com/
The key step upcoming is the Gulf Emirates soon to accept RMB for oil payment from all Eastern & Asian countries, the major flash point. Coupled with broadbased RMB trade settlement and more purchase of Chinese Govt debt securities, the movement will be on to finally initiate the grand dump of USTreasurys from Eastern banking systems.
The result will be then a forced reaction by USFed and USDept Treasury to launch the New Scheisse Dollar, which will at the outset have a phony gold foundation. A formal international audit process will break down the fraudulent basis, and lead to a series of painful New Dollar devaluations. Then comes the import price inflation, the supply shortages, and the civil disorder. The New Scheisse Dollar will have a 30% devaluation out of the gate, then many more devaluations of similar variety.
The Gold price will find its true value and price over $10,000 per ounce. The Silver price will find its true value and price over $400 per ounce. In reaching these levels, the ratio will return to the 25-1 range. Several steps have been laid out by the Hat Trick Letter toward the return of proper price to precious metals. The major upcoming events will be exciting to watch unfold, one after the other, in an inevitable sequence away from fascism and concentrated uni-polar power, with a strong movement toward freedom and equitable systems with distributed power. The steps will each involve a quantum jump in the Gold & Silver prices. The process will take a few years, but might be breath-taking in speed once the process is begun.
The steps involve:
By Jim Willie, GoldenJackass.com
Rather than stimulus, the USFed’s Quantitative Easing is a death sentence for the USDollar. It might provide an ongoing backdoor bailout opportunity for Wall Street banks, and even a window for China to switch from long dated to short dated USTreasurys, but QE is death sentence. It guarantees that the USDollar will be removed from the global premises and placed in the dustbin of history. Foreign banking systems are largely devoted to USTBonds as the foundation for their entire reserves system. The African type of hyper monetary inflation blessed as good and fine stimulus is a sentinel signal by the US Federal Reserve itself, given to the Eastern producing nations who save in the $billions. They will start a caravan to exit the USDollar in their banking systems. They have great challenges in doing so, and must follow a prescribed path. That path is the Chinese RMB as an intermediary device, a transition tool. The goal is the return of the Gold Trade Standard, which will assure the return to the Gold Currency Standard and the Gold Banking Standard. The absent solution to the chronic global financial crisis has been the refusal to put Gold at the apex. Instead, the big banks have become zombies, the economies have become sclerotic, the financial structure have been control rooms, the bond platforms have been fracturing, while the USGovt has relied upon bond fraud, gold thefts, the printing press, and predatory wars to defend the King Dollar regime. It is due for the funeral pyre.
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