Barack Obama, Israel And Iran All Warn That World War 3 Could Be Coming To The Middle East

- Many people are falling for the huge psyop in the MSM to paint the rising disagreements between Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit and the Obama administration over the Iran nuclear deal.
– - All of the noise is to provide America with plausible deniability when Zionist ‘666’ Israel attacks Iran. It will be painted as unilateral action by Zionist ‘666’ Israel without the agreement of America, The Pentagram+NATO do not want to be directly involved in a war with Iran (which will be the Greater Middle East war). They have bigger wars to fight: in Europe against Russia and in Asia against China.
– - Barack Obama, Israel And Iran All Warn That World War 3 Could Be Coming To The Middle East
by Michael Snyder,
Will we soon see World War 3 erupt in the Middle East? Even though Barack Obama has made a “peace deal” with Iran, leaders in the region sure are talking a lot about war. And of course this “deal” is on very shaky ground. The Israelis hate it, a significant portion of the U.S. Congress hates it, and the Iranians have already been accused of breaking the agreement. The odds of this “deal” holding up over the long term appear to be somewhere between slim and none. But even if this deal does survive, that does not mean that everything will be okay in the Middle East. In fact, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is convinced that Obama’s deal with Iran will actually “lead to war”…
The world powers’ nuclear deal with Iranwill lead to war and a “nightmare” regional nuclear arms race, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned in an online address to American and Canadian Jews on Tuesday evening.
Netanyahu, who has been seeking to sway US lawmakers to thwart the agreement, accused the deal’s supporters in the Obama administration of spreading “disinformation about the deal and about Israel’s position” in its bid to rally support.
He pointed out a series of “fatal flaws” in the deal, and asserted that it “doesn’t block Iran’s path to bomb,” but rather “paves” its path to the bomb.
Over and over, Netanyahu has been adamant about the fact that his government will never allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. If Obama’s “peace deal” ever had a prayer of bringing peace to the Middle East, it had to convince the Israeli government that Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons had been completely stopped. On that point, Obama failed miserably. This is something that I discussed extensively in my recent piece entitled “Why Israel Is Going To Bomb Iran“.
But even though this deal will not bring peace between Iran and Israel, John Kerry says that the U.S. Congress has to go along with it otherwise the ayatollah will believe that we are “screwing” him…
read more.
