Alex Jones: Is The Pope The Devil?
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Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
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[youtube=] Published on Aug 8, 2015 The United States has decided to allow airstrikes to defend Syrian rebels trained by the US military from any attackers, even if the enemies hail from forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad, US officials said on Sunday.…… end
[youtube=] Published on Aug 9, 2015 As reported by The New York Times, the top nuclear researchers have announced their support for the agreement in a letter to President Barack Obama. They’ve called the nuclear deal a major security achievement, which can serve as a guidepost for future nonproliferation agreements. Six Nobel laureates are among …
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[youtube=] Published on Aug 8, 2015 Israeli settlers have long been known for their aggression against Palestinians, which is usually encouraged by the Israeli regime. However, violence by the settlers seems to be increasing in intensity and frequency. During the past few weeks, several more Palestinians have been victims of the ever-growing violence. This includes …
Many people are falling for the huge psyop in the MSM to paint the rising disagreements between Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit and the Obama administration over the Iran nuclear deal. – All of the noise is to provide America with plausible deniability when Zionist ‘666’ Israel attacks Iran. It will be painted as …
All these geo-political events are setting the world up for the war between the Mystery Babylon Whore (America 2.0) and the 10 horn Beast empire (EU 2.0). – Revelation 17:16 New King James Version (NKJV) 16 And the ten horns which you saw on[a] the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and …
French Elite Say Either Germany Leaves the Euro or Economic Chaos is their Fate by Martin Armstrong, The French elite are now calling for a German exit from the euro as a solution since the rest of them are heading into Marxist la-la land. The Greek crisis has set in motion severe strains within the EU economy, far worse than …
Jim Willie: QE Death Sentence & USTBond Black Hole by Summary The key step upcoming is the Gulf Emirates soon to accept RMB for oil payment from all Eastern & Asian countries, the major flash point. Coupled with broadbased RMB trade settlement and more purchase of Chinese Govt debt securities, the movement will be …
[youtube=] Published on Aug 7, 2015 The United States is exploiting territorial tensions over the disputed South China Sea to defend its declining status amid China’s rising power in the Asia-Pacific region, an American writer and retired professor says. China is “an emerging country with worldwide interest facing an established power (US) which wants to …
[youtube=] U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency Head: “It Was A Willful Decision [By America] To” “Support An Insurgency That Had Salafists, Al Qaeda And The Muslim Brotherhood” by WashingtonsBlog An internal Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) document produced recently shows that the U.S. knew that the actions of “the West, Gulf countries and Turkey” in Syria might create …
Dropping “The Bomb” On Hiroshima and Nagasaki Was Never Justified by Naji Dahi, (ANTIMEDIA) Long Beach, California— August 6th and 9th of 2015 mark the 70th anniversary of the U.S. dropping two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This was the first and only time a state used a nuclear device on cities (or civilians) of …
[youtube=] Published on Aug 8, 2015 A senior Israeli official issues a veiled threat to push ahead with assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists. In an interview with the German daily Der Spiegel, Israeli Minister of military affairs Moshe Ya’alon said that he bore no responsibility for the life expectancy of Iranian nuclear scientists. He noted that …
[youtube=] Published on Jul 28, 2015 Tyrel Ventura and Tabetha Wallace interview former Congressman and presidential candidate, Ron Paul, about his new book, ‘Swords into Plowshares: A Life of Wartime and a Future of Peace and Prosperity’. end