“V” the Guerrilla Economist: The DAY OF RECKONING Approaches!
Published on Jul 20, 2015
SGT Report welcomes V, the guerrilla economist from Rogue Money.net to the show to discuss the end of the western banking and precious metals price suppression paradigm.
On Sunday night the banking cartel struck again by flooding the world market with paper gold, slicing $50 off the price within fractions of a second. But this is a paradigm that will soon come to an end according to V. “These morons could drive down the price of gold in the paper markets down to the pennies. It doesn’t matter, because what’s happening is a paradigm shift that cannot be stooped… The West is an Emperor with no clothes.”
V goes on to quantify it by explaining the massive onslaught of infrastructural and physical precious metals entities coming on line in Asia in the very near term. “You have the Eurasian trade zones, Global South, SCO, the BRICS, AIIB… these are paradigm altering SYSTEMS that are coming online, and it’s all happening this fall.”
We also discuss the overt tyranny of the US government, from unconstitutional treaties to mandatory vaccinations – it all adds up to the end of America unless we the people stop it.