Jerusalem Post: Strike Sooner Or Never. Preemptive Strike on Iran Legally Dicier Once UN lifts Sanctions. Israel Probably Has Until Around Mid December to Strike Iran!
by mosesman
Click on image for article.Revelation 2:9 – …. and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.Click on image for article.Click on image for article.Genocidally insane Zionists-Illuminists. Iran which has NO nuclear bombs and NO nuclear weapons program is a threat to the Zionist state which has 400+ nuclear bombs and America & NATO at its beck and call. Click on image for article.Click on image for article.Zionists-NeoCons have been lying about Iran for the better part of 25 years!Click on image for article.Click on image for article.Beware of all the lying Zionist serpents and their propaganda against Iran! They are pathological liars!