Israelis, Saudis Considering Attack on Iran in Wake of Nuke Deal

- A highly sophisticated psychological operation (psyop), propaganda warfare is being waged in the western Illuminist MSM. They are painting the picture that America is distancing itself from Zionist ‘666’ Israel and embracing Iran. They are painting a propaganda picture that America is for peace by signing the nuclear treaty with Iran while painting the Netanyahu government as trying very hard to derail the treaty.
– - These are all part of the western Illuminati’s plan to attack Iran using their proxies: Zionist ‘666’ Israel (the Satanic counterfeit) and Saudi Arabia. All the hoohah over the Iran nuclear program are propaganda. Iran does not have any nuclear bombs nor a nuclear weapons program. Iran has sworn publicly many times: they will never build nuclear weapons. The western sanctions (ie attacks) on Iran for the past few decades is about Iran selling their oil using currencies other than the US dollar. Ie. it is about Iran refusing to submit to the global hegemony of the west.
– - Nothing has changed, even after the signing of the nuclear agreement. Iran still refuses to submit to the west. The western Illuminati’s war plan is still ON. They will fight Iran using their proxies while distancing themselves (ie America and Europe) from the actions of Zionist ‘666’ Israel and Saudi Arabia. They do not want to be directly involved in this coming Iran war. US+NATO have bigger wars to fight ie. with Russia in Europe and China in Asia.
– - Israelis, Saudis Considering Attack on Iran in Wake of Nuke Deal
by Brandon Turbeville,
I have argued from the very beginning of the US-Iran nuclear talks that the diplomacy taking place was nothing more than theatre to be used later in the rush to war as evidence that the US did “everything in its power” to avoid confrontation.
Considering the years of propaganda surrounding Iran and its nuclear program, it should be clear that the recent US-Iran nuclear deal was nothing more than a show. After all, the US/NATO imperialist machine has made its desire to wage war on the Persian nation explicit for some time. The only question is just how long this theatre will last before that goal is finally realized.
Considering the sizable reaction of warmongering and hysteria seeping from the mainstream Western press, the US Congress, Republicans, Conservatives, Israel, and Zionist supporters, the predictions that any deal with Iran will eventually be sabotaged, repealed, or violated, blamed on Iran, and ultimately used to initiate a military confrontation are clearly capable of coming true in the near future.
Granted, Obama supporters and Leftists across the country are hailing the deal as a wonderful display of the desire for world peace. But, for Obama supporters and Leftists, any act by Obama, even war, is considered a wonderful display of the desire for world peace. However, the Western and Western-allied press has erupted in panic and horror that the “solution” to the phantom Iranian nuclear problem was anything short of total war.
Those outlets may not have long to wait, however, if the pulse of the media in Saudi Arabia and Israel can be taken as an accurate measure of the pulse of the governments there.
The Israeli media, for instance – always in front of the line to promote war against any country (since Israel will be able to fight to the last American if there is a response from the victim) – is already floating the idea that Israel might launch a military strike against Iran in the very near future. These outlets are even going so far as to dissect what such an attack would entail and how it would play out.
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Propaganda BS to build plausible deniability. The plan is for Zionist Israel to attack Iran and start the Greater Middle East war. The Pentagram will deny involvement but support it covertly.