Greek Govt Is In The Process Of Selling Out The People In Favor Of The Central Bankers
Published on Jul 13, 2015
EU proposes deal with Greek government. Tspiras returns to Greece to push the deal that does not help the people of Greece. New Greek deal will privatize and begin selling off bits and pieces of the country to pay the bankers. Bank holiday has been extended and bail-ins are still possible. Greek lawmakers say they will not back the deal, because the EU changed it. Macy’s is selling its flagship store in Pittsburgh. FDIC plan to bail-in the banks leaves the people out in the cold. James Comey of the FBI will use force to make companies give them access to encrypted software without a warrant. Ukraine’s right sector causing trouble in Ukraine. Military men in Ukraine want out of the armed forces. US wants more advisers in Ukraine to train the regular army. US sets up drone base near Libya to mount attacks on the people of Libya.