DEAL! ‘Good’ Nuclear Deal with Iran Reached
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
What Assets Did Greece Just Hand Over To Europe: “Airports, Airplanes, Infrastructure And Most Certainly Banks” by Tyler Durden, … With the provocative and dramatic Greek “time out” language pulled from the final finmin and summit draft language, the two most humiliating aspects of the latest extend and pretend “deal” for the Greek people …
[youtube=] Published on Jul 13, 2015 British government has been left embarrassed after it was revealed that a Muslim preacher with known-radical views was hired to inspect counter-terrorism police. end
[youtube=] Published on Jul 13, 2015 An Israeli human rights group released a video said to show details of how a 17-year-old Palestinian was shot by IDF soldiers. The group claims the teenager posed no danger. RT speaks to the man who has been investigating the case. Modern Ashkenazi Khazars (90+% of modern Jewry) are …
[youtube=] Published on Jul 13, 2015 On the Monday, July 13 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Greece accepts Eurozone bailout terms, surrendering much of its sovereignty and signing onto a massive debt deal. Russian hackers also claim to have uncovered footage that exposes the ISIS Jihadi John beheading videos as fake. Also, a Russian …
[youtube=] Published on Jul 13, 2015 Last week the world was astounded when the Greek people refused to capitulate to economic blackmail and said in defiance, “Molon Labe”. But this weekend, their leader, after 16 hours of closed meetings, said “Come & Take It” in the spirit of capitulation, not defiance. – Austerity measures including tax …
[youtube=] Published on Jul 11, 2015 Caleb Maupin, Press TV, New York People in the US city of New York have held a rally to mark the International Quds Day. The protesters condemned Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people and urged an end to Washington’s support for Israel. A number of Jewish rabbis also attended the …
[youtube=] Charles Hugh Smith: Financial Crash Definitely by 2016 by Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial writer and book author Charles Hugh Smith thinks the big unfolding trend is a global economy that is not being allowed to correct. Smith contends, “Interest rates should rise, and what we are seeing is financial repression. Instead of …
Why Did Schauble Almost Use The “Nuclear Option” – Tim Geithner Explains by Tyler Durden, While a Greek (pre) deal in some format was largely expected this weekend (especially following the unprecedented humiliation of Greece that would allow the Troika to repay… the Troika) the biggest stunner from the past 48 hours was …
Germany Never Intended For Greece To Stay In The Euro by Michael Snyder, There never was going to be any deal. All along, Germany has been seeking to establish conditions that would never be met so that they could force Greece out of the eurozone. But the Germans had to do this subtly so that they …
Goldman: The Greek Solution “Exposes The Whole System To Collapse” by Tyler Durden, While not its base case (unlike JPM and Citi) Goldman Sachs was expecting an adverse outcome from this weekend’s negotiations, and admits that this morning’s pre-deal announcment “is thus a positive surprise, at least from a shorter-run, tactical perspective.” So does …
[youtube=] Published on Jul 13, 2015 A suicide blast has killed more than 30 people near a US base in eastern Afghanistan. It’s not clear who’s behind the attack, which comes amid peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban. Both sides plan to meet again next month after formally launching the negotiations last …
[youtube=] [youtube=] These ISIS beheading videos are produced by western Illuminist intelligence agencies: CIA, MI5/6, Mossad … as psychological warfare against the sheeple to foment fear and hate, to set the path towards Albert Pike’s Satanic WW3 via the Clash of Civilizations Illuminist psyop. ISIS, Al Qaeda … “Muslim Terrorism” are all owned, controlled, financed, …
[youtube=] Strategic Investment Manager Warns Of Worldwide Financial Detonation: The Whole Thing Is Going To Blow Up by Mac Slavo, July 12th, 2015, The seriousness of the global economic crisis cannot be underestimated. Central banks and their respective governments have gone into overdrive in recent months in an effort to maintain stability within the system. But as …
Is the Time Ripe for a New Global Reserve Currency? by China’s push for the adoption of a super-sovereign reserve currency points to a possible larger role for IMF’s Special Drawing Rights (SDR). – The current international monetary system is a historical exception. It has no anchor, such as the silver standard, the gold …