Gregory Mannarino: The Collapse Is Happening Now
- Gregory Mannarino: The Collapse Is Happening Now
by Greg Hunter’s
Financial analyst Gregory Mannarino says time is short for the next financial calamity. Mannarino contends, “Not only are things are getting close, but we are here now. This is it. . . . The collapse is now. Look at what is going on. . . .Despite actions by world central banks, which are unprecedented, we are still going nowhere. The economy is going nowhere. The proof is simply in the money velocity. The issue with the money velocity . . . or at least one of the reasons we are not seeing massive inflation, is the cash is not moving. Once cash starts to move, and it will move, all of those extra bills that have been printed out of thin air are going to be chasing the same amount of goods. You do not need to be a rocket scientist to figure this out.” Mannarino goes on to explain, “Cash will leave the debt market, and that will push yields higher. That will put pressure in equities. This is a reverse of what we see now in inflating this super bubble here. There is a super bubble in debt. There is a super bubble in stocks. When all this cash starts to move, it is going to look for a place to go, and it is going to move into commodities. As this is occurring, all these bills digital or otherwise, that are around the world . . . when people see the value of currency start to drop precipitously, they are going to come back here to the United States. Massive amount of bills are going to chase the same amount of goods and whamo–there’s your inflation.”
Last week, Mannarino said the stock market had topped, and it has nowhere to go but down. Why? Mannarino says Dow Transports need to be rising in order to sustain a rising stock market. With all the gains of 2015 now wiped out, Mannarino says, “You would expect the Dow Transports to be rising with the equity markets or stock market. We are not seeing that at all. There is an absolute disconnect here. . . . The Dow Transports have begun a clear leg down, and unless something dramatic happens to bring the Transports back up, this bull market is over.”
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