Threat of ‘Inevitable’ War Looms Between US and China Over Pacific Island Row

- The sheeple (on both sides) are being fed a narrative: This is a potential conflict between US and China over national sovereignty/territory. This narrative is an Illuminist psyop deception. The reality is: both the western Illuminati and Chinese Illuminati have agreed to the coming Satanic WW3. They are deceiving the sheeple on all sides to participate in this genocidal WW3. Their narrative is the hook to bait the sheeple into this unnecessary WW3.
– - The Satanic plan is to generate WW3 out of sovereignty/territorial disputes. Out of the Mega-Death, Satanic blood sacrifice of WW3, collapse, violence … when the sheeple have lost all hope, when national governments fighting over national sovereignties/territories are seen to be the problem, when no solution is found … this is when the Satanic cabal will offer their Man of Sin, son of perdition, the Anti-Christ, fake messiah, bringer of false peace, the white horseman of Revelation 6. He, the “son of Satan” will bring about peace miraculously and make a peace treaty of 7 years with many countries. And his solution to the wars over national sovereignties/territories? World Government led by him where all nation states will lose their sovereignties to this Supra-National government. The sheeple will 100% fall for this Illuminist PSYOP SCAM!

- Threat of ‘Inevitable’ War Looms Between US and China Over Pacific Island Row
by Lauren McCauley, staff writer,
Chinese military white paper accuses US of ‘meddling’ in South China Sea
Tensions between China and United States continue to rise over the South China Sea as a Chinese government newspaper warns that war may be ‘inevitable’ if the U.S. and its allies do not back off from the heavily disputed territory.
Last week, the Chinese government condemned the actions of the U.S. military after the P8-A Poseidon, the US’ most advanced surveillance aircraft, was caught spying on Chinese naval activities in the Fiery Cross Reef.
The Chinese government has been accused of provoking its neighbors by actively building “artificial islands” in the Spratly archipelago, which is both a vital shipping corridor and an oil and gas rich territory, west of the Philippines. While China has claimed the right to most of the South China Sea, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei also have competing interests in the highly-contested waters.
An editorial published Sunday in China’s Global Times—which the Telegraphdescribes as “a tabloid owned by the Chinese Communist Party through another newspaper”—warns that U.S. actions have been “raising the risk of physical confrontation with China recently,” and that the two countries may soon reach a “tipping point” if they are unable to compromise on their strategic purposes.
The Global Times says that it is “essential that both sides should show their bottom lines to each other, and see if one can respect the other on these. For China, one bottom line is that the reclamation of these islands must be finished no matter what.”
“If the United States’ bottom line is that China has to halt its activities, then a U.S.-China war is inevitable in the South China Sea,” the editorial concludes.
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