Risk of ‘World War’ Between NATO and Russia on Ukraine as Yemen Bombed!
- Risk of ‘World War’ between NATO and Russia on Ukraine as Yemen Bombed!
by Mark O’Byrne, http://www.goldcore.com/us/
– World sleep walking from ‘Cold War’ to ‘Hot War’ and new World War
– U.S. resolution to supply Ukraine with lethal weaponry passed
– Russia warns such moves would “explode the whole situation”
– Minsk agreement remains intact – little justification for escalation and ignoring EU allies
– US continues to act as only global superpower despite powerful Russia and China and new multi-polar world
– Hubris could lead to a new World War
Geopolitical risk has escalated sharply this week after the Saudi bombing of Yemen and the U.S. House of Representatives voting overwhelmingly for the President to provide offensive weaponry to the Ukrainian army.
Both are likely to result in sharp escalation in tensions between NATO and Russia and see an intensification of war in Eastern Europe and the possibility of a regional war in the Middle East.
The move is concerning as European countries who have a real interest in maintaining stability in Ukraine – Germany and France, who are Europe’s de facto leadership, and Russia – have already restored a degree of stability through the Minsk agreement. Germany and France pointedly excluded the U.S. from the process.
The resolution comes despite Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov having previously warned in February that such a move would be a “major blow” to the Minsk agreements and would “explode the whole situation.”
The second Minsk Agreement – brokered between Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine last month – has remained largely intact. The head of the reasonably independent Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe said earlier this month the the ceasefire in Ukraine was holding. The OSCE confirmed, yesterday, that the withdrawal of heavy arms by both sides of the conflict was “ongoing” according to the Kyiv Post.
Therefore, there would appear to be little justification for the U.S. to send high tech arms to Ukraine at this time especially on the pretext of restoring stability.
The passing of such a resolution highlights the insulated nature of U.S. politics. U.S. policy makers continue to labour under the delusion that the U.S. is still the only global superpower.
The reality is that the U.S. grows more isolated by the day. While the rising superpowers of the East work tirelessly to forge international ties through trade and development agreements, the U.S. continues to act unilaterally and forcefully – as it has since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The Eastern block does not need war. Its economic influence grows daily – as demonstrated most recently by a whole swathe of European allies joining the new Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank despite pressure from the U.S. not to do so.
On the other hand, it would seem that many U.S. policy makers regard war as an opportunity to re-exert their declining influence.
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