Microchipping with RFID ‘666’ Has Begun!?
Published on Mar 6, 2015
InfoWars.com Darrin McBreen explores the coming of the Mark of the Beast. RFID microchips implanted under the skin and wearable technology (Smart Tattoos) will soon be mandatory. Meanwhile the European Union and U.S. Cybercom develop plans for a worldwide standardized Internet ID system. Will you accept the mark of the beast?
Former DARPA director and now Google Executive, Regina E. Duncan, unveils ingestible microchips and electronic tattoos which takes NSA spying to whole new levels. Meanwhile the former head of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Tommy Thompson (now with VeriChip) promotes FDA Approved Human-Implantable RFID Microchips. Attorney General Eric Holder says he is interested in mandatory electronic bracelets for gun owners and Joe Biden tells Supreme Court Justice John Roberts that he will have to rule on implantable microchips.
Special guest Brandon Gallups from CarlGallups.com shares his biblical perspective of the Mark of the Beast.
Please provide links to the exact laws that were passed that say RFID chips (medical device registry) are to be implanted into people. Bills similar to HR3200 & HR 3692 were not passed into law, although they did contain this info.
Harry Reid, Senate majority leader, substituted his own health care bill into H.R. 3590, which was signed into law on March 23, 2010 (Public Law 111-152) and after word searching these documents they do not contain medical device registry wording as in the other bills.
Lastly, the link to Future prediction does not work.
Thank you.
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