US Trying to ‘Provoke Russia to React’! NATO Armor Paraded 300m from Russian Border!
Published on Feb 25, 2015
A political commentator says the United States is trying to “provoke” Russia into an aggressive reaction through conducting a military parade near the Russian border. Andrew Korybko made the remarks while commenting on a report that said US combat vehicles took part in a parade in an Estonian city near the Russian border. The US armored personnel carriers and other US Army vehicles rolled through the streets of Narva on Tuesday amid the escalating tensions between the two powers.
Korybko said Washington is trying to “provoke Russia into a reaction to paint it as an aggressor even if that’s not really the case.” He noted that this is a “symbolic power projection” through which “the United States is trying to issue the statement that it’s in Russia’s backyard.” These provocative actions are meant to elicit Russia as “an aggressor,” Korybko added. “If Russia takes any countermove… it only makes Russia look bad in the eyes of the West, but at the same time, would the West ever look at Russia in a positive way. It’s kind of a catch-22 situation,” he further said.
“This shows that the US is committed to establishing its presence in the Baltics,” the analyst said. The relations between Washington and Moscow have been strained over the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. Ukraine’s mainly Russian-speaking regions of Donetsk and Lugansk in the east have witnessed deadly clashes between pro-Russian forces and the Ukrainian army since Kiev launched military operations to silence pro-Moscow protests in mid-April 2014. The United States accuses Russia of sending troops into eastern Ukraine in support of the pro-Russian forces. Moscow, however, denies any involvement.
