Steve Quayle And David Morgan on the Coming Financial Collapse And How to Protect Yourself !

- Steve Quayle And David Morgan on the Coming Financial Collapse And How to Protect Yourself !
by The Hagmann & Hagmann Report
23 November 2014: Many people are asking today when we will see the collapse of the U.S. economy. Whether you know it or not, you’re watching it take place right before your very eyes. It is happening right now. And… it’s no accident, but it’s by design.
There are three facts that financial expert and precious metals aficionado David Morgan wants you to know. First, every fiat currency in history of the planet has met one inevitable fate, which is failure. Every. Single. One. Secondly, fiat currencies are backed only by a government’s word and are simply pieces of paper that can be printed at will, an ability that has always been abused. Third, precious metals like silver and gold are rare, and they are the only true representation of physical wealth.
“Remember 2008? That was just a small speed bump compared to what is coming.” – David Morgan
Unfortunately, only about 1% of the U.S. population is in tune with these three facts. It is my contention, however, that about 98.5% of regular listeners to The Hagmann & Hagmann Report are aware of these facts, including that the value of U.S. Dollar is in rapid decline. At some point in the near future, the U.S. Dollar will no longer be the world’s reserve currency, but few people fully comprehend exactly what that means for the people of the United States and the West.
“The rush to gold and silver will be so spectacular… that day is not that far away.” – David Morgan
Path to a One World Currency
There is overt and rampant manipulation taking place in the metals market. How much gold does the United States have in its inventory – at Fort Knox and elsewhere? Whatever happened to the repatriation of gold to Germany? Where are precious metals headed in 2015? Perhaps most importantly, where are we headed as a nation as our national identity is being eroded by the orchestrated collapse of the U.S. Dollar?
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