On the Edge of Thermonuclear War or the Final Defeat of the British Empire?

- The key to Russia/China’s strategy is to destroy the global currency hegemony of the western Illuminati. Without the ability to create money out of thin air to finance their wars without end, the western Illuminati will be crippled. For the Anglo-American-Zionist western Illuminati, their final card to play is WW3. This is the reason for all the escalating war drums worldwide.
– - On the Edge of Thermonuclear War or the Final Defeat of the British Empire?
by http://larouchepac.com/
In an extensive dialogue with colleagues on Saturday morning, American statesman Lyndon LaRouche reviewed the extraordinary shifts that have taken place over the course of the last week, beginning with the launching of a highly visible revolt against the Obama Presidency from the Pentagon and major factions of Obama’s own Democratic Party.
LaRouche at the same time noted that the danger of general war—including thermonuclear war of extinction—is also greater now than at any recent time, due to the desperation of the British Empire over the prospects of total defeat represented by the initiatives of the BRICS countries and other nations rallying around their New Development Bank, the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank and other actions. The fact that a viable alternative to the death and destruction of the collapsing British Empire system is emerging is driving London—and its lackeys like U.S. President Barack Obama—to press for strategic showdown with Moscow and Beijing.
In just the last 24 hours, new signs of this desperate war drive have surfaced, including: threats by the neo-Nazis in Ukraine to carry out a military coup against President Poroshenko if he doesn’t move fast enough to wed Kiev to NATO and the European Union; and a blood-curdling attack on China’s President Xi Jinping by Elizabeth Economy, director of Asia studies at the Council on Foreign Relations in the November/December 2014 edition of the CFR’s Foreign Affairs, in which she calls for an American military buildup and a push for color revolutions throughout Southeast Asia to put the “new Chinese Emperor” in his place.
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