Military Intelligence Confirms Natural News Warning: Twelve Missing Commercial Jets May Now be Deployed as Weapons Against U.S. Cities!

- Military intelligence confirms Natural News warning: Twelve missing commercial jets may now be deployed as weapons against U.S. cities!
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger,
(NaturalNews) On March 24 of this year, I wrote a story entitled Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 now clearly a government cover-up: All evidence contradicts official story.
In that story, I wrote:
…it now seems increasingly likely that the Flight 370 aircraft has, indeed, been delivered to a rogue nation where it is being transformed into a weapon. Whoever took control of Flight 370 now has a massive stealth weapon which an incredibly long flight range. This aircraft can now be outfitted with nuclear weapons and dispatched to almost any desirable target anywhere in the world, including cities like New York and Washington D.C., unfortunately.
Today, U.S. intelligence officials repeated my warning almost word for word. As Bill Gertz of the Free Beacon is now reporting, 11 commercial airliners have gone missing in Tripoli, and U.S. intelligence officials are now openly warning that those jets could be weaponized to launch terrorism attack on U.S. cities.
“…western intelligence agencies recently issued a warning that the jets could be used in terrorist attacks across North Africa,” reports the Free Beacon. “Intelligence reports …included a warning that one or more of the aircraft could be used in an attack later this month on the date marking the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against New York and Washington, said U.S. officials familiar with the reports.
U.S. intelligence warning an almost exact copy of Health Ranger story from March
Read that again and you will see that the military intelligence warning is almost a word-for-word description of what I wrote here on Natural News over five months ago, including the exact sequence and names of two U.S. cities.
When I first wrote my story earlier this year, I remember being criticized for suggesting such “wild conspiracy theories.” (Only incredibly stupid people use the phrase “conspiracy theory” as a flippant condemnation because, of course, all terrorist attacks are conspiracies by definition.)
As Natural News readers have since learned, a huge number of things I write about here on Natural News are months or years ahead of their time. They sometimes seem strange or unusual at first glance, but more often than not they turn out to be very credible and almost prophetic.
Intelligence officials are concerned about jetliner attacks on 9/11
“The official said the aircraft are a serious counterterrorism concern because reports of terrorist control over the Libyan airliners come three weeks before the 13th anniversary of 9/11 attacks and the second anniversary of the Libyan terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi,” reports the Free Beacon.
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