MH17 Wreckage Seems to Show It Was Struck with Bullets and a R-60 Air to Air Missile!
- MH17 Wreckage Seems to Show It Was Struck with Bullets and a R-60 Air to Air Missile!
by The Other,
Radar signature was a Ukrainian military jet
Russian air control radars apparently registered an unidentified blip suddenly appearing on screen close to flight MH17 at the moment it was apparently hit; this blip later disappeared. Kartopolov insisted the radar signature was a Ukrainian military jet, apparently an Su-25 that could have attacked Flight MH17, using its two R-60 short-range heat seeker “shoot-and-forget air-to-air,” which these military planes are designed to carry for self defense.
According to the chief of staff of the Russian Air Force, Lieutenant-General Igor Markushev, who together with Kartopolov presented the official Russian outline of the MH17 crash, Ukrainian officials deny any of their military aircraft were in air at the time over Donbas, “but you see that is not so,” which is an indication of guilt, he alleged.
Further evidence to support this claim is shown below.
The R-60 missile hole in MH17 notice rounded bullet holes bottom right going in which differs from shratnel holes coming out on the far left. Notice the scrapping on the right hand side with the metal dented in and the burn marks on the left and the metal pushed out.
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