Israeli Roots of Hamas Are Exposed !
- Cui bono in all these? Obviously, Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit. They can continue with their genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians while putting the blame on them as terrorists. In reality, Hamas is the creation of Zionist ‘666’ Israel and is a controlled opposition under the thumb of the Zionists! Unfortunately, the Christian sheeple are the easily deceived and manipulated, useful idiots when it comes to Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit!
– - Christian Zionists are probably/likely complicit, unknowingly, in the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by supporting Zionist ‘666’ Israel. I don’t know how they are going to answer to the Blessed Son of God, Jesus Christ, when they realize that the semitic Palestinians are in all likelihood the real descendents of Israel, the brethren of the Lord Jesus Christ! How are they going to answer to charges: “I was oppressed and you supported people who oppressed me! I was jailed without charges and you supported people who jailed me! My people are killed and you supported people who killed them!” They are just another group of deceived useful idiots doing Satan’s (the deceiver’s) bidding but they think they are serving the God of the Bible!
– - Mossad Creates and Controls Islamic Extremist Groups and Uses Them As Patsies!
“Supporting the radical elements of Muslim fundamentalism sat well with the Mossad’s general plan for the region. An Arab world run by fundamentalists would not be a party to any negotiations with the West, thus leaving Israel again as the only democratic, rational country in the region. And if the Mossad could arrange for the Hamas (Palestinian fundamentalists) to take over the Palestinian streets from the PLO, then the picture would be complete.”
– Former Mossad Agent Victor Ostrovsky: The Other Side of Deception – pg. 197
– - Emphasis mine:
Israeli Roots of Hamas are being exposed!
by Dean Andromidas, Executive Intelligence Review (EIR),
Speaking in Jerusalem Dec. 20, U.S. Ambassador to Israel Daniel Kurtzer made the connection between the growth of the Islamic fundamentalist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and Israel’s promotion of the Islamic movement as a counter to the Palestinian nationalist movement. Kurtzer’s comments come very close to EIR’s own presentation of the evidence of Israel’s instrumental role in establishing Hamas, and its ongoing control of that organization.
Kurtzer said that the growth of the Islamic movement in the Palestinian territories in recent decades—”with the tacit support of Israel”—was “not totally unrelated” to the emergence of Hamas and Islamic Jihad and their terrorist attacks against Israel. Kurtzer explained that during the 1980s, when the Islamic movement began to flourish in the West Bank and Gaza, “Israel perceived it to be better to have people turning toward religion rather than toward a nationalistic cause [the Palestinian Liberation Organization—ed.].” It therefore did little to stop the flow of money to mosques and other religious institutions, rather than to schools.
According to the Dec. 21 Israeli daily Ha’aretz, Kurtzer made these extraordinary statements at a seminar on religion and politics sponsored by Oz V’Shalom-Netivot Shalom, a largely Anglo-American organization that promotes peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Rabbi Dr. Aharon Lichtenstein, the head of Har Etzion Yeshiva in Alon Shvut, who is an active advocate of a just regional peace, also spoke. Kurtzer said that as a result of the growth of Islam at the expense of education, there are now Palestinians who are “determined terrorists that use religious beliefs in a perverted way to appeal to the masses.”
Kurtzer said that cultural and religious interaction is potentially a way to “build bridges.” But instead, “the perverted use of religion in the region is today becoming one of the great challenges for the years ahead.” He said that there is no “inherent component” in Islam that advocates violence. But one of the five principles of Islam, jihad—resistance—”in classic religious associations connotes religious belief and fervor, not violence.” But extremists have distorted the meaning of jihad, so it now has a connotation of violence in the service of a religious purpose.
The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend This statement is extraordinary given the fact that Kurtzer is a very senior diplomat, having held the post of Ambassador to Egypt just prior to going on to Tel Aviv. He is also an Orthodox Jew who is not shy of criticizing the extreme anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic views held by certain Arab circles. But Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon rarely grants the United States’ highest representative in Israel an official audience.
The ambassador’s comments are an acknowledgment of what any serious Middle East observers knows: Hamas has always been seen as a tool by which Israel could undermine the nationalist movement led by Palestinian Authority President and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Chairman Yasser Arafat. Similar statements by Arafat have been dismissed by Israel as “cranky” propaganda. In an interview with the Dec. 11 Italian daily Corriere della Sera, Arafat said,
“We are doing everything to stop the violence. But Hamas is a creature of Israel which at the time of Prime Minister [Yitzhak] Shamir [the late 1980s, when Hamas arose], gave them money and more than 700 institutions, among them schools, universities and mosques. Even [former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak] Rabin ended up admitting it, when I charged him with it, in the presence of [Egpytian President Hosni] Mubarak.”
To the Italian daily L’Espresso, Arafat laid out the reasons for this support. “Hamas was constituted with the support of Israel. The aim was to create an organization antagonistic to the PLO. They received financing and training from Israel. They have continued to benefit from permits and authorizations, while we have been limited, even to build a tomato factory. Rabin himself defined it as a fatal error. Some collaborationists of Israel are involved in these [terror] attacks,” he said. “We have proof, and we are placing it at the disposal of the Italian government.”
On one level the support for Hamas is simply the application of the old saying, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Indeed, in the minds of crude Israeli ultra-nationalists and fascists such as Sharon and his faction, this is indeed the case. Sharon is not interested in peace and therefore is not concerned that the violence and needless deaths of Israelis and Palestinians continue. In the Jan. 3 Ha’aretz, Yossi Sarid, chairman of the Meretz party, wrote, “What does frighten Sharon … is any prospect or sign of calm or moderation. If the situation were to calm down and stabilize, Sharon would have to return to the negotiating table and, in the wake of pressure from within and without, he would have to raise serious proposals for an agreement. This moment terrifies Sharon and he wants to put it off for as long as he possibly can.” In contrast, Sarid said that Sharon understands “that the terrorists and those who give them asylum are not the real enemies. Instead, the real enemies are the moderates…. You fight terrorists—a pretty simple operation—but you must talk with moderates, and this is a very tricky, if not dangerous, business.”
More important for the survival of not only the Palestinian people, but especially Israel itself, is the dangerous role of the puppetmasters outside the region, who are manipulating both sides of this deadly game as part of their own demonic plans to spread the policy of a “clash of civilizations.” In this regard, Sharon, and his “Greater Israel” policy, is just as much a puppet as the Palestinian, strapped with explosives, who blows himself up at an Israeli bus station.
Two Decades of Undermining Arafat
Given the level of control that the Israeli intelligence services such as the Shin Bet and Mossad have been able to exert over the Palestinian territories during the last 35 years of Israeli occupation, the capability to manipulate militant and violent organizations, such as those associated with Hamas, should not surprise anyone familiar with intelligence and even routine police operations. This should be obvious, considering that Israel has routinely recruited thousands of collaborators and provocateurs among the tens of thousands of Palestinians who have passed through Israeli prisons in over 35 years of its occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Most convincing is a comparison of the development of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and their antecedents, and the growing national and international legitimacy of the PLO and its undisputed leader, Arafat.
Hamas is an acronym for Harafat al-Muqawama Al-Islamiyya, or Islamic Resistance Movement. Its spiritual leader is Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, who, despite his fiery anti-Israeli sermons, has had an unusual relationship with the Israeli authorities. In 1973, Yassin established the Islamic Association—at a time when it was Israeli policy to promote what Ambassador Kurtzer refers to as the “Islamic movement.”
One might ask: Why should Israel promote an Islamic movement which later turns around and attacks it? How could the Israeli secret services be taken in by a Yassin? They weren’t. The simple fact is, that the stated policy of Hamas is simply the flip side of Sharon’s “Greater Israel” policy that refuses to seek a territorial compromise. The Hamas charter in 1988 stated, “The land of Palestine has been an Islamic Waqf throughout the generations, and until the Day of Resurrection, no one can renounce it or part of it, or abandon it or part of it…. Peace initiatives, the so-called peace initiatives, are all contraray to the beliefs of Hamas, for renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing part of the religion.” In this rhetoric there is no room for a state of Israel—as there is none for a state of Palestine in Sharon’s “Greater Israel.”
Israel’s Hamas relations intensified after the Arab League, in 1974, decided to recognize Arafat and the PLO as the representatives of the Palestinian people—in effect, a government in exile. By 1979, top Yassin acquired an official permit from the Israeli government of Prime Minister Menachem Begin. This coincided with the signing of the Camp David peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. That treaty embodied detailed clauses calling for the establishment of a Palestinian Authority in the Occupied Territories, which would be the precursor for the Israeli withdrawal and the establishment of a Palestinian state. Gen. Ariel Sharon has been the chief proponent since this treaty was signed, of the policy of ensuring that these clauses would never be implemented. His chosen alternatives were war in Lebanon and the expansion of the Jewish settlements in the Occupied Territories. Sharon was helped by the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat by Anglo-American-controlled, Egypt-based Islamic terrorists.
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