Cryptome Claims All Snowden Files Will Be Published in July to Avert War!

- Wars and rumours of war! Cryptic tweet from Cryptome. The word is out, that the world is on the cusp of a major war. The feedback of “V” the guerrilla economist is: 15 July 2014 Russia invades Ukraine. It will trigger a dollar collapse, global meltdown, global currency reset, PM (precious metals) financial derivatives meltdown …. and who knows what else? If all these can be prevented by releasing Snowden’s files… it will be a good idea to release all the files.
– - Cryptome claims all Snowden files will be published in July to avert a war!
by , 1 July 2014
All of the National Security Agency files accessed by former contractor Edward Snowden could be published in the month of July if vaguely worded predictions tweeted this week from the digital library site Cryptome prove to be correct.
A series of micro-messages published by the website — a portal for sharing sensitive documents that predates WikiLeaks by a decade — suggest further Snowden leaks may be on the way.
“During July all Snowden docs released” reads an excerpt from one Cryptome tweet sent on Monday this week. “July is when war begins unless headed off by Snowden full release of crippling intel. After war begins not a chance of release,” reads another tweet sent from Cryptome on Monday this week. “Only way war can be avoided. Warmongerers [sic] are on a rampage. So, yes, citizens holding Snowden docs will do the right thing,” insists another.
Follow-up tweets from the organization have been equally vague, however, and a report published by a journalist at Vocativ on Tuesday does little to disclose what information, if any, will be published in the coming weeks.
Other dispatches this week from Cryptome direct followers to watch for two upcoming conferences planned for this month: the biannual Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE) event in New York City starting July 18, and the Aspen Institute’s yearly Security Forum the following weekend, which will feature appearances from the likes of former NSA directors Keith Alexander and Michael Hayden.
Daniel Ellsberg, the former United States Department of Defense staffer attributed with leaking the so-called “Pentagon Papers” during the Vietnam War, may have a role in the possible Cryptome release. Ellsberg is scheduled to deliver a keynote address at HOPE, and Cryptome tweeted that those wanting more information on the release of Snowden docs should stayed tuned to that event for his speech and another from a yet-to-be-announced special guest.
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