What Would the US Do If War Were to Break Out Over DiaoYuTai / Senkaku Islands? China vs Japan!
- What would the US do if war were to break out over Diaoyutai?
by http://www.wantchinatimes.com/
In an article for the Washington-based National Interest magazine on June 21, US defense expert Harry Kazianis laid out a possible a scenario involving Japan and China clashing over the airspace of the disputed Diaoyutai islands (Senkaku to Japan, Diaoyu to China) in the East China Sea to analyze whether the United States would be ready for such a conflict.
The scenario takes place on March 1, 2015, Kazianis wrote, noting that China has already instituted daily non-naval maritime patrols around the disputed islands while its aircraft carrier Liaoning and other warships have conducted exercises only 50 miles away from the islands since February.
Kazianis described that two Chinese SU-27 fighters would come within 25 feet of a Japanese P-3 Orion surveillance plane just 10 miles west of the Diaoyutai on the first day of March 2015 — mirroring an actual event that took place over China’s southern island province of Hainan in April, 2001, when a Su-27 fighter collided with a P-3.
According to the scenario, “the Japanese plane collides with one of the Chinese fighters. Both aircraft crash into the ocean, with no survivors.” “Just 72 hours later, a group of twenty Chinese nationals land on one of the disputed islands under the cover of darkness.”
A Japanese naval task force carrying a small detachment of soldiers would then be dispatched to remove the Chinese civilians from the islands, with Beijing threatening force if its citizens are harmed.
“As Japanese naval forces come within 20 miles of the islands a Chinese J-10 fighter jet buzzes the task force,” said Kanzianis. “On its second pass it comes dangerously close to a Japanese destroyer. In a perceived act of self-defense, the destroyer shoots down the aircraft.”
The People’s Liberation Army would then fire a DF-21 anti-ship missile against the incoming Japanese task force as a warning shot, according to the scenario, with the missile hitting the ocean just 10 miles away from the Japanese vessel. Undeterred, the Japanese forces would press ahead with the PLA launching a massive saturation strike with ballistic and cruise missiles against the Japanese task force. Three ships would be hit with heavy loss of life, Kazianis said.
Kazianis continued that Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe would urgently phone US president Obama to “formally requesting America’s help under the terms of the US-Japan alliance — a 3am call no president would ever wish to receive. War in Asia seems imminent.”
Because conflict like this can happen from the most unlikely scenario, Kanzianis asked whether President Barack Obama is ready to pick up the phone call from Abe. He also asked are American citizens ready to sacrifice their own lives for the uninhabited islands.
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there is a serious risk that China and Japan will push this to the brink and beyond, China is growing stronger and bolder each year and Japan is re-militarising and there has been an alarming growth in nationalism in Japan in the last 10 years so much so that people are begging to deny some of the events of WW2 http://www2.biglobe.ne.jp/remnant/nankingm.htm