Israel Threatens Syria with More Attacks!
- Texe Marrs:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly stated (see the Israeli publication Shishi, Spring 1994) that he was initiated into the Masonic Lodge while in the United States. The La Republica newspaper stated that Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin was active in Masonry and estimated there are 4,000 Israeli Freemasons, divided into 76 lodges. Most Israeli judges and religious figures are Masons. Rothschild-supported Hebrew University in Israel has erected an Egyptian obelisk, symbol of Freemasonry, in its courtyard, and inside the new Israeli Supreme Court building is a law library architecturally designed in the shape of an Egyptian pyramid.
Messianic Jew Jerry Golden:
In the United States you have the York and Scottish Rites but in France you have the Mizraim Lodge. It is from the Mizraim Lodge of Freemasonry that you will find the Illuminati. It is in fact, the heart and soul of the Synagogue of Satan. What is even more disturbing, you will find that every Mason in Israel, that includes most of the Politicians and Supreme Court Judges all are Freemasons from the Mizraim Lodge, the ones who wrote the Protocols of Zion, the enemies of the Jewish people. So those who have planned the destruction of Israel are now in control, in Israel.
– - Albert Pike’s Greater Middle East War & Satanic World War 3 Plan
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion… read more!
– - Israel threatens Syria with more attacks!
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has threatened that Israel would carry out more assaults against Syria, following recent airstrikes and shelling against targets inside the Arab country.
Netanyahu said on Monday that Israel would respond with even tougher force if Syria retaliates.
“Last night we operated with great force against Syrian targets that acted against us, and if needed we will use additional force,” he told members of his extremist Likud Party. “We will continue to forcefully hurt anyone who attacks us or tries to attack us.”
According to the Israeli military, airstrikes hit nine targets in Syria. Reports said that the attacks killed at least 10 people in the Arab country. The Israeli strikes are said to have destroyed two tanks, two artillery batteries and the headquarters of Syria’s 90th brigade.
Syria slammed the deadly attacks from the air and the ground as a “blatant violation” of its territory and urged the United Nations to condemn the aggression.
The Syrian Foreign Ministry sent two identical letters to the United Nations secretary-general and president of the UN Security Council, saying, “Israel carried out a new aggression on sites inside the Syrian territories on Sunday and Monday, when they fired tank shells, mortar shells, rockets at posts of Syrian law enforcement forces.”
The ministry also said that Israel’s acts of aggression “threaten the peace and security in the region and the world as a whole,” calling on the UN Security Council to shoulder its responsibility toward the “dangerous” Israeli acts.
According to reports, the Israeli attacks came hours after the death of an Israeli teenager in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Israeli forces claimed the death was apparently caused by a missile fired from Syria.
This is while al-Qaeda-linked militants are fighting the Syrian government forces and mortar rounds fired by them have hit the Golan Heights on several occasions.

Here is the 33rd Degree Masonic Symbol
The higher-level initiates are well aware that in the working of The Plan (for a New World Order), death and bloodshed- unparalleled chaos are prescribed. John Randolph Price, president of the Planetary Commission and organizer each year of a massive and worldwide “Instant of Cooperation” event, has proclaimed that the “Divine Plan” requires chaos to cleanse and purge the world before a bright, new era can emerge : Circle Of Intrigue, Texe Marrs Page 100
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