Kremlin Launches Attack on Prince Charles! Exposes Royals’ Nazi Links!
- The British Monarchy Has Its Roots in Nazism!
by Lee Rogers,
I am personally disgusted that Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Phillip are even allowed to visit the United States. The British monarchy should be abolished and not one member of their so called royal family should be allowed to set foot on American soil. The idea of a royal or elite class that believes they are entitled to rule over the people is an abomination and contradicts the very idea of individual freedom. Queen Elizabeth’s husband Prince Phillip who holds the ridiculous title of Duke of Edinburgh is heavily involved in implementing the plan for a New World Order that we see before us today. He has been linked with the Bilderberg group, has advocated widespread population reduction and helped start the World Wildlife Fund with former Nazi SS Officer Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. The House of Windsor also has other historical ties to supporting Nazi Germany, most notably dealing with King Edward VIII’s abdication of the British throne.
King Edward VIII was actually forced to abdicate the British throne in 1938, due to his support for Hitler and the Nazis. The House of Windsor through a devious propaganda campaign said that King Edward VIII was an aberration. This was a lie as the British monarchy combined with London bankers helped fund Adolf Hitler and built up the Nazi war machine. The British monarchy wanted to build up Hitler to fight Russia in an effort to consolidate power.
It was also revealed that following his abdication, King Edward VIII had been in close collaboration with the Nazis in Spain and Portugal to create a British revolution, overthrow the Churchill government and regain the throne from his brother King George VI. This was reported in the Washington Post and London Observer in the mid 1990s.
King Edward VIII’s abdication eventually allowed Queen Elizabeth II to ascend to the throne in 1952. Five years before, she married her second cousin Prince Phillip who had siblings with numerous ties to Nazis. Prince Phillip was actually trained in the Hilter Youth and his brothers-in-law became high profile members of the Nazi party. His belief in Nazi ideology is clear when one looks at what he has said on the subject of overpopulation.
Here is one particular quote where Prince Phillips talks about his views on overpopulation.
In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.
Prince Phillips quoted in the Deutsche Press Agenture, August 1988
What sort of sick individual would want to be reincarnated as a virus to solve overpopulation? Prince Phillips is clearly obsessed with reducing the world’s population much like how Hitler wanted to kill off the world’s population and form a master race.
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– - The Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor!
by Scott Thompson, printed in The American Almanac, August 25, 1997.
One of the biggest public relations hoaxes ever perpetrated by the British Crown, is that King Edward VIII, who abdicated the throne in 1938, due to his support for the Nazis, was a “black sheep,” an aberration in an otherwise unblemished Windsor line. Nothing could be further from the truth. The British monarchy, and the City of London’s leading Crown bankers, enthusiastically backed Hitler and the Nazis, bankrolled the Führer’s election, and did everything possible to build the Nazi war machine, for Britain’s planned geopolitical war between Germany and Russia.
Support for Nazi-style genocide has always been at the heart of House of Windsor policy, and long after the abdication of Edward VIII, the Merry Windsors maintained their direct Nazi links.
So, when Prince Philip, co-founder with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), tells an interviewer that he hopes to be “reincarnated as a deadly virus” to help solve the “population problem,” he is just “doin’ what comes naturally” for any scion of the Anglo-Dutch oligarchy (see page 8 for more quotes from Prince Philip).
To get beyond the soap opera stuff and truly understand the Windsors today, it is useful to start with Prince Philip. Not only was he trained in the Hitler Youth curriculum, but his German brothers-in-law, with whom he lived, all became high-ranking figures in the Nazi Party.
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