Russia/China Energy Deal, Russia Builds Nuke Plants in Iran and Vets Die Waiting for Medical Care!
- Russia/China Energy Deal, Russia Builds Nuke Plants in Iran and Vets Die Waiting for Medical Care!
by Greg Hunter’s
We go overseas for the top stories, and they involve China, Russia and Iran. First, China and Russia and the oil and natural gas deal that excludes the dollar, in a deal worth $400 billion over the next 30 years. Please take note, this deal excludes the U.S. dollar. If this doesn’t signal the beginning of the end of the petro dollar, then I don’t know what does. Meanwhile, half the U.S. Senate is more worried about the Washington Redskins football team changing its name. We have to have some of the dumbest leaders on the planet. The end of oil trade in dollars is big trouble and will guarantee big inflation in the U.S.
Then, it was also reported that Russia is working on a deal in Iran to build eight nuclear power plants. I thought there were negotiations going on with the West trying to curtail Iran’s nuclear power program. Iran has long contended it was for the peaceful production of energy, and Iran has significant deposits of uranium. The West says it is afraid of Iran getting material to build nuclear weapons. I don’t see how this is going to get resolved. I think it is pretty clear that Iran is NOT going to curtail its program. So, either the West totally backs down and accepts Iran’s nuclear program or there is going to be some sort of war. I am not advocating war, but I just don’t see another set of options.
Also, this week, there is news that Russia test fired an inter-continental ballistic missile. It’s being reported the Russian military is testing a new “combat payload.” The missiles are reportedly “hypersonic” and can carry up to “10 warheads.” There are members of Congress who say the Russians have violated strategic arms reduction treaties, including one signed as recently as 2010.
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