Harvey Organ: Banking Boys Are in Real Trouble – Massive Derivatives Crisis Looms in Gold !
Harvey Organ: Banking Boys Are in Real Trouble- Massive Derivatives Crisis Looms in Gold!
by http://www.silverdoctors.com/
Harvey Organ joins the show this week for an EXPLOSIVE and MUST LISTEN Metals & Markets discussing:
* Massive US gold exports: NY Fed stealing sovereign nations gold- Harvey states ALL CUSTODIAL GOLD AT NY FED has now been shipped to China!
* GOFO Negative & silver backwardation with huge physical premiums in Shanghai- shortage looms
* Death-blow to the dollar– Russia/China $400 B Gas deal a decade in the making is official
* Eric Dubin explains how after years of rumors, COMEX default could come this summer!
* Eric makes the case for a 50% upside move in silver coming in 6 months, while Harvey states that the cartel is nearly down to their last ounce of gold, & AN OVERNIGHT REVALUATION OF GOLD TO $4,000 WITH NO-BID SELLERS IS COMING IN 2014- PERHAPS AS EARLY AS JUNE!!
“The fun starts when the run on COMEX begins- $1.4 quadrillion in derivatives will burst in 2014 in a full-blown implosion! -H.O.