Washington Is Driving The World To The Final War!
- Keep in mind that America is but a colony of the western Illuminati. The Satanic cabal consists of the Black Nobility (black as in EVIL) of Europe headed by the British monarchy. These people consider themselves: Children of the “Gods” with a divine right to rule. Their historical roots can be traced back to Genesis 6. They are really the Nephilim children of the serpent “god’s” ie. fallen angels (seraphim ie. fiery serpents) who procreated with women. These are the seed of the serpent, the Nephilim “demigod” children of the fallen seraphim.
– - It isn’t America/Americans per se that are driving the world to WW3. It is the western Illuminati. The US government is controlled/owned by them. The Pentagon is just a mercenary arm of the western Illuminati paid for by the American sheeple.
– - Washington Is Driving The World To The Final War!
by http://kingworldnews.com/
Today King World News was given exclusive permission to reproduce for KWN readers around the world the brand new and amazing piece by former US Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. This is an incredibly powerful must-read discussing how “Washington Is Driving The World To The Final War.”
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
May 13 (King World News) – Washington Is Driving The World To The Final War
When the Soviet Union collapsed, it cleared the way for the rise of the neoconservatives and their ideology of U.S. world hegemony. The neoconservatives concluded that the Soviet collapse brought the end of history, by which they meant that history had chosen “American democratic capitalism,” which is neither democratic nor capitalist, as history’s final statement. History’s choice gives the government of the “exceptional, indispensable” American people the right to world hegemony. The problem for the neoconservatives is that not all of the world agrees with “history’s choice.” Independent states, such as Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Iran, China, and Russia did not see themselves as provinces in Washington’s empire. Neither do India, Brazil, South Africa, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Ecuador.
The neoconservatives made a concerted and successful effort to take control of U.S. foreign policy and military doctrine. With the Clinton regime’s attack on Serbia, Washington began eliminating governments that are obstacles to its hegemony.
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