World Plunges Toward War After About-Face In Kiev – Was John Brennan Responsible?
- World Plunges Toward War After About-Face In Kiev – Was John Brennan Responsible?
As of this writing, the UN Security Council is about to begin as 8:00 PM Sunday Emergency Meeting on Ukraine, summoned by Russia.
The immediate background is that the self-proclaimed Ukraine government dropped its more conciliatory approach to the anti-Maidan demonstrators who are taking over public buildings in eastern Ukraine, after an emergency National Security Council meeting on Saturday evening, April 12. In that connection, the Russian state media Vesti television and RIA-Novosti report that US CIA Director and Obama crony John Brennan visited Kiev that same day, under an assumed name, to advise the Ukrainian defense and interior ministries on what to do. Inquiring about this in Washington, Novosti was told by a US National Security Council spokesman to ask the CIA, which has not yet answered. For its part, London’s Daily Telegraph, in reporting the story of the Brennan visit, says that the White House refuses to confirm or deny it.
After the Security Council meeting, coup-appointed president Turchynov told television cameras that the Army will be used to prevent a “repeat of Crimea” in the southeast, and offered guarantees of safety to anyone who gives up occupation of buildings by Monday morning, the Ukrainian site Zerkalo Nedeli reports. Interior Minister Arsen Avakov posted to his Facebook page that an “anti-terrorist” operation was being launched against building-occupiers in Slovyansk. He said the Ukraine Security Service (SBU) was coordinating forces from all over the country, and that special militia units were being set up to fight the “separatists.” He said he counted on “12,000 patriots” to join them.
It is unclear how this overlaps the newly-formed National Guard. Russian media report that armed militants from the neo-Nazi Right Sector are prominent in the fighting in Slovyansk.
At last report, Avakov had said that one of his Security Service troops had been killed, and there are reports of two deaths among demonstrators and larger numbers of injured on both sides.
Earlier, in a Saturday evening telephone call between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State Kerry, Kerry had threatened Russia with further sanctions if the eastern Ukraine building seizures continued. (US UN Ambassador Samantha Power did the same on US national television Sunday.) Lavrov had said that any use of force by the coup-installed government in Ukraine would imperil the four-way (Russia, Ukraine, US, EU) talks scheduled for Thursday.
Sunday’s violence precedes a scheduled Monday meeting of EU foreign ministers, and a Tuesday meeting of NATO’s North Atlantic Council to consider how to strengthen NATO armed forces on Russia’s borders.

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