NATO Expansion to Ukraine Will Be Grievous Mistake for US – Last US Ambassador to USSR!
- Published on Apr 13, 2014
An emerging chill between the US and Russia is causing alarm around the world. But despite the diplomatic blows traded over Ukraine, cooperation on other matters goes on as usual. Is this latest quarrel just a passing storm or are tensions between Russia and the West more than just a series of misunderstandings? Jack Matlock witnessed the end of the Cold War in Moscow while serving at the US embassy.
- The COLD WAR was an Illuminist psyop against the sheeple. In reality, both the west and the Soviet Union were controlled/owned by the Satanic bloodlines. By using FEAR of nuclear war psyop, the Illuminist social engineers got the sheeple to support the building up of the war machines, the military industrial complex (MIC). This was financed, of course, via the Illuminist banksters. It was THEFT of the sheeple’s hard earned money, plain and simple.
– - It quite clearly bankrupted Soviet Union and is bankrupting America. Using Illuminist psyop fear mongering: Illuminist government gain more and more power. The sheeple willingly, under FEAR of nuclear war psyop conditioning gave up more and more of their rights to Illuminist governments. They were conditioned to train and fight the ENEMY: the West or Soviet Commies. It allowed the Illuminati to build their regional governments and centralized more and more power.
