US Russia Relations, ObamaCare Lies, Middle East Tension, Fort Hood Shooting and More!
- US Russia Relations, ObamaCare Lies, Middle East Tension, Fort Hood Shooting and More!
by Greg Hunter’s
There may not be a shooting war between the U.S. and Russia, but the financial war is game on. Iran and Russia are in the process of sealing a deal where Iranian oil is going to be traded for goods. The deal is worth an estimated $20 billion (500,000 barrels a day is what the Iranians will be producing for this deal), but they are not trading in dollars. Why would Russia, the world leader in oil production, want more oil? Might Russia want to increase the selling of oil in non-dollar currencies? This is yet another dollar negative bit of news. Now, Russian lawmakers are openly calling for the end of trade for oil and natural gas in dollars. They call the USD “dirty” and “stained with blood.” Add up the recent trade deals with India and China and anyone using the dollar might be getting a little nervous. Last week, President Obama was in Saudi Arabia, and now he is considering arming Syrian rebels with shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles. Of course, as many as half of the rebels are al-Qaeda linked, and the U.S.? Is the U.S. desperate to keep Saudi Arabia selling oil in only U.S. dollars?
As far as real war, both NATO and Russia have been building up their military around Ukraine. NATO just announced war games there this summer. So, Russian and U.S. troops could be just across the border from each other. Also, Russian troop strength was blown way out of proportion in the press. Now, we find out there is really only about 40,000 Russian troops on the Ukraine border instead of the 100,000 that was widely reported. In Eastern Europe, NATO is planning to beef up military cooperation in many countries there. Russia is calling this a treaty violation and is demanding answers for the escalation. Russia says this action is “unreasonable.”
Things may start heating up in the Middle East again. The peace process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) appears to be finished. PA President Mahmoud Abbas says he will bypass the U.S. and Israelis and is going to try to gain statehood in the international community. This put the kibosh on the Israelis releasing more Palestinian prisoners as previously agreed. They have already released three batches of prisoners. Israel says it’s reneging on the fourth batch of prisoners because “no meaningful negotiations” have taken place since late last year. This move by the Palestinian Authority will, no doubt, heat things up in and around Israel. This is just in time for the famed Four Blood Moon cycle which begins on Passover.
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