Monetary Blockade Of Russia Begins: JPMorgan Blocks Russian Money Transfer “Under Pretext” Of Sanctions!

- Simple game theory tells us very clearly what the next moves of Russia will be. Implied in this move by JP Morgan (a major shareholder of the FedRes) is the understanding that Russia will retaliate by moving away from the SWIFT system and ditching the USD. Now, why would JP Morgue initiate such a move which will end the petrodollar as world reserve currency, break the SWIFT system and end the global monetary hegemony of the western Illuminati? Keep in mind their ultimate agenda are: Global Supra-National Central Bank, One World Currency backed by gold –> ‘666’!
– - Unless you understand the mind set of the Satanic bloodlines, you will make the wrong assumption that these people are stupid. They are crafty and genocidally insane. But not stupid. Their Satanic philosophy is: Order Out of Chaos via the Hegelian Dialectic. The path chosen to launch their Luciferian New World Order, World Government … is via their Satanic World War 3, the planned genocide of 6 billion worldwide.
– - What you are seeing now is a scripted play to achieve these goals. They are engineering the setup for their global conflict, violent conflict resolution, MegaDeaths…. etc. Both the western Illuminati and the Russian/Chinese Illuminati have agreed to this coming WW3! It is simply a Satanic blood sacrifice to feed fallen spiritual beings and to lay the foundation for the appearance of the Anti-Christ, the bringer of false peace, the white horseman of Revelation 6! The REAL WAR is: Satan and his minions vs the rest of humanity!
– - “Because what JPM may have just done is launch a preemptive strike which would have the equivalent culmination of a SWIFT blockade of Russia, the same way Iran was neutralized from the Petrodollar and was promptly forced to begin transacting in Rubles, Yuan and, of course, gold in exchange for goods and services either imported or exported.” – Quote
- Monetary Blockade Of Russia Begins: JPMorgan Blocks Russian Money Transfer “Under Pretext” Of Sanctions!
by Tyler Durden,
While the flare up of Cold War 2.0 may seem like last week’s news, overnight something very notable happened that so far virtually nobody appears to have paid attention to. According to Russian Kommersant, none other than the biggest US bank, JPMorgan, was reported to be “reviewing counterpart relations with all Russian lenders” citing unidentified people. The review is part of JPMorgan’s push for transparency in banking and not part of sanctions against Russia over Crimea. Perhaps this is true: Kommersant added that Sberbank and VTB were contacted in January and February while another unidentified bank recently received letter saying JPMorgan would cease correspondent accounts with them on April 1.
JPM cleaning up its act is certainly plausible: after all the last thing the bank that has paid out nearly $30 billion in legal charges, penalties and settlements in the past few years need right now is more legal charges due to laundering Russian billionaires’ cash (coughHSBCcough) at a time when Russia, which has humiliated the US state department twice in under a year, is hardly perceived as a critical ally to the US. So one can see why JPM would be cautious in transacting with Russia financial entities.
And yet, while the headline sanctions so far have involved mostly freezing of Russian politician and oligarch assets in jurisdictions in where there were no such assets, it appears that JPM has not only escalated on its own but taken the Russian sanctions to an entirely new level: one which may quite promptly devolve into a complete monetary blockade of all of Russia.
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