Manufactured Crisis. The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare!
- The entire “Iran Nuclear Bombs Crisis” is a TOTAL LIE! It is a psyop against the sheeple, a FEAR Meme to get them to support war against Iran! There are ZERO evidence that Iran has nuclear weapons and NO evidence that they have a nuclear weapons program! It is a manufactured FALSE pretext for world conquest by the western Illuminati. The real rogue nuclear state in the Middle East, the sole nuclear weapons power is Zionist ‘666’ Israel the Satanic counterfeit !
– - All you read about in the Zionists controlled western MSM are: LIES, propaganda, mis-direction, distractions, obfuscations …. etc. However, the jig is almost up for the MSM because the alternative media is exposing all the LIES. That is why their reporting on this issue is becoming closer to the truth!
– - Without credibility the MSM cannot sell LIES successfully. One of the standard propaganda technique is: for every time they tell the truth, they repeat the LIE 10 times. The attention span of the sheeple is very short, barely 3 days for news items. By repeating the LIE 10x more than the truth, the sheeple can be brainwashed easily. Only the LIES will remain after a while!
– - Manufactured Crisis. The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare!
by Dr. Ludwig Watzal,
Review of Gareth Porter’s recently released book
Since the early 1990s, Israel, U.S. officials and their submissive European allies, supported by their uncritical and subservient media, have been peddling allegations, fabrications, accusations and lies that the government of Iran was pursuing a secret, military adjunct to its regularly inspected civilian nuclear program. The main thrust of Porter’s book is to demonstrate that this crisis was „manufactured“ and the accusations were bogus, i. e. Iran never had a military nuclear program. For over 20 years Israeli politicians have been claiming that Iran’s nuclear device was just around the corner.
Despite the political hullabaloo and Netanyahu’s call for military actions against Iran’s nuclear installations. „Netanyahu never intended to use military force against Iran, and the Obama administration was well aware of that but was hoping to exploit the threat to gain diplomatic leverage on Iran“, writes Porter.
President Obama, under severe pressure from Israel, its Zionist lobby AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) together with the large majority of Congress, has been leading a worldwide effort to impose crippling sanctions on Iran to force it to give up its alleged nuclear-weapons program. Up until now, there exists no evidence that Iran carried out a military nuclear program. Beyond that, Gareth Porter, a historian and investigative journalist specializing in US foreign and military policy, demonstrates that the so-called stolen documents, which apparently „proved“ Iran’s covert nuclear program, were „fraudulent“. These „mysterious documents“ were allegedly smuggled out of Iran on a laptop. The author unravels the contradictions between the material in the documents and well-established facts. Did the U.S rely for its „evidence“ on Israeli intelligence services?
Porter shows how Israel, the George W. Bush and later the Obama administration, successfully portrayed the various actions taken by Western nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as responses to a long history of Iranian covert militarization of its nuclear program. Iran started its nuclear program under Reza Shah Pahlavi. At that time, the U.S. and Israel were allied with the Persian dictator and didn’t mind a nuclear Iran. After the overthrow of the Shah regime in 1979, however, the United States intervened aggressively, as early as 1983, to prevent Iran from pursuing its legitimate right to peaceful nuclear power. It was these aggressive efforts by the U.S. , that forced Iran to resort to black market transactions in order to acquire the technology needed for its civilian nuclear program, writes Porter.
So far, the U.S. and Israel have done all they can to sabotage the Iranian nuclear program by, inter alia, sending hit men to assassinate Iranian nuclear scientists and infect the computers of the nuclear installations with malware. According to the online newspaper „The Times of Israel“ from March 19, 2014, the Israeli Chief of Staff Benny Gantz revealed in a speech delivered before a class of students that „Israel had already conducted dozens of covert operations in foreign and enemy countries“, and that „Our Air Force is wherever we wanted it to be.“ He added confidently that Iran is not beyond the IDF’s reach. According to Porter, there exists a tendency and a power structure inside the Beltway that keeps readiness and permanent preparedness for war despite the Vietnam disaster. Does such a mentality also exist within the Israeli security establishment?
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