Israeli Defense Minister Suggests Military Action Against Iran Because the US is “Weak”!
- Zionist-Illuminists are desperate to start their Greater Middle East War and Satanic World War 3! My understanding is that the original plan calls for the continuous provocation of Iran to get them to launch a strike on the Zionist state. However, the Iranian Illuminati refuses to play ball. Now, the western Illuminati have gone to Plan B: Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit, will launch an attack on Iran!
– - Albert Pike, Satanic World War 3 Plan
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. …. more!
- Israeli Defense Minister Suggests Military Action against Iran because the US is “Weak”!
by Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News, via
We (Israelis) have to look out for ourselves” Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon was quoted as saying at an event at Tel Aviv University. According to Haaretz, Ya’alon is not convinced that the Obama administration will stop Iran’s nuclear program. Israel would have to take military action against Iran in the future according to Ya’alon. He said that the Iranians were dominating the negotiations, getting what they want as a result. “The one who should lead the campaign against Iran is the US,” but instead, “the US at a certain stage began negotiating with them, and unfortunately in the Persian bazaar the Iranians were better.” The Times of Israel said Haaretz confirmed what Ya’alon said at the event:
Therefore, Ya’alon’s office confirmed his remarks about Iran, but refused to comment as to whether the defense minister was advocating an Israeli strike on Iran. Ya’alon was widely reported to have opposed an Israeli resort to force against Iran in the past, but the Haaretz report said his comments Sunday indicated that he had changed his stance, and was now inclined to support Israeli military intervention in Iran.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would welcome Ya’alon’s support for a military strike that would target Iran’s nuclear facilities. But Israel is at a crossroads, since their main ally, the United States is entangled in the Ukrainian crisis and an ongoing conflict in Afghanistan. The Obama administration is in preparation to restart a new effort to topple Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and at the same time attempting a coup d’état with its support of the opposition forces in Venezuela against President Nicolas Maduro. Ya’alon is now suggesting that a confrontation with Iran militarily is an option Israel needs to take although he was once reportedly opposed to it. He said that “Iran is fooling the world” about its nuclear program,” but said the West preferred to put off any confrontation — “to next year, or the next term; but it will blow up in the end.”
He originally supported the sanctions imposed on Iran by the West but the new deal at least according to Ya’alon was an opportunity for Iran to advance their nuclear weapons capability. The new deal “is very comfortable for the Iranians,” he said, enabling them to establish themselves as a threshold state “and break out to the bomb when they choose to do so.” New talks have resumed in Vienna. Iran has limited its uranium enrichment after the six-month interim deal negotiated back on November when the West agreed to ease sanctions. The US mainstream media is on board with Ya’lon’s assessment as neoconservative and columnist Jennifer Rubin who writes for the Right Turn, a blog for the Washington Post seems to be on the same page as Ya’alon as she agrees that Washington’s negotiation strategy is not sufficient in dealing with Iranian nuclear program:
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