Paul Craig Roberts: Dumping Dollar to Deliver Deathblow to US Imperialism!
Dumping dollar to deliver deathblow to US imperialism: Economist!
An economist says the American “imperialism” hinges on the greenback, urging world heavyweights to drop the currency from their dealings.
The US dollar as world reserve currency is the source of American imperialism,” wrote Paul Craig Roberts in an article published on Press TV website.
The five countries that comprise the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, which make up the association of five major emerging national economies) have half of the world’s population. They can conduct their economic affairs without the dollar,” the analyst added.
He then compared the US to Nazi Germany, slamming Washington for disrespecting humanity.
“The world needs to understand that the neoconservative US government is the Third Reich (another name for Germany during former German strongman Adolf Hitler’s despotic rule) on steroids,” said he commentator.
“It is a malevolent force with no sense of justice or respect for truth, law, or human life. Just ask the residents of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Lebanon, Honduras, Venezuela, Cuba, and Iran. Even the deluded western Ukrainians will soon catch on,” the analyst further explained.
Even US President Barack Obama’s self-righteous rhetoric is reminiscent of Hitler’s egotistical mannerism, the commentator underlined.
“Obama himself declared that the US is ‘the exceptional nation.’ This is the neoconservatives version of Hitler’s declaration that the German nation was exceptional and, therefore, above all others. The only difference between Washington and National Socialist Germany is that Washington has a far more powerful police state and nuclear weapons.”
The analyst underscored that Washington’s arrogance means it “has no respect for any other country.”